Example sentences of "then i do not " in BNC.

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1 But then I do n't like blood so I would n't want to be either a cook or a surgeon .
2 The defensive manoeuvre behind it is something like this : if I do n't acknowledge that this thing has happened then I do n't have to believe it is true ; I wo n't have to understand what has occurred if I hold off from consciously realizing that it has happened .
3 I do n't very often feel frightened , but then I do n't often put myself in that vulnerable position .
4 Then I do n't make a sale . ’
5 ‘ If this one does n't work then I do n't know what will . ’
6 But then I do n't suppose that would be enough for you , and after all this is Boy 's story mostly , he is after all in a proper sense my hero , and you have to have this Boy clearly in your mind before we can proceed .
7 Then I do n't think they spoke another word to each other for the rest of the round .
8 And , yes , there are a couple of lines around the eyes , and a grey hair or twenty ( at least they 're all together in a neat bunch , not lurking about all over the place ) and the neck does n't look too good in some , particularly unflattering , lights , but then I do n't suppose yours would , either .
9 If that 's the Sue I once bought a drink for — out of pity — in a certain low-rent wine bar she frequents ( Naughty Nineties postcards in brass frames and scrums of desperate shrieking middle-aged women hogging the tables ) , then I do n't think she 's telling the full story .
10 That makes me laugh , because once I 've written a song then I do n't tend to work on it too much — I 'm too lazy , basically .
11 Seaweed and my parents back from the dead and objects come alive and sort of leer at me and sometimes I joyfully feel as if I 'm going to sink to the bottom of the ocean forever , but I wake up and then I do n't know what 's real .
12 Even that would have made me third Vet , but is from good overseas runners come in , you could see a few run under 2:20 ; then I do n't know where I 'll be .
13 But then I do n't believe it was much of a race out at the front either .
14 But then I do n't wear my heart on my sleeve .
15 ‘ We need two points and if we refuse to give them time on the ball then I do n't see why not .
16 But then I do n't suppose it 'll matter much with twenty of us in there ; our combined breaths 'll be enough to give us a steam bath .
17 And then I do n't know how , I said , well of course , Picasso was the best surrealist painter .
18 You say all the other girls are going , and if it 's such a bargain as you say , then I do n't see why not .
19 " If you 're asking me would they steal for it , well then I do n't know .
20 " If you wo n't talk about , then I do n't see why I should n't tell , " Jill said softly .
21 then I do n't think that we ought to go along with , for instance , just using a term like , spelling
22 I do n't care about anything but being safe , she thought ; I believed I cared about Fand , but I do n't , I 'm too much of a coward — I just want her to save me , and then I do n't care what happens to her .
23 I have on occasion told students that they 're doing an arts subject , and tried to encourage them to think in those terms , because if they 're constantly thinking of the job at the end of it , then I do n't think they 're getting the most out of it that they can do … .
24 because then I do n't have to do anything to them .
25 Then I do n't understand you , Ben .
26 ‘ I 'm going to resign from the Labour Party to make my position clear , and then I do n't know . ’
27 And then I do n't particularly want you to start yet but if you do get time or if you 're just interested and you do n't want to stop and you want to keep going try it with sixty .
28 Because what the Sale of Goods Act goes on to say is that if the goods contain a fault which is so obvious you should have noticed the fault while you were in the shop , or the shop assistant pointed out the fault to you while you were in the shop , then I do n't think you can really demand money back on that basis .
29 Oh yes we 've they are subscribing , and if we was n't keeping a good erm a good liaison with them , then I do n't think we 'd be here now .
30 Then I do n't understand … ’
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