Example sentences of "him he [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When I annoyed him he would punish me by economising on whatever it was we were doing at the time .
2 Fawcett said that this sounded very important and that if Pons sent it to him he would rush it through .
3 ‘ I told him he would make a fortune .
4 He admired the beast rapturously ; he took the owner out to dinner , assured him he would make a fortune , and advised him to write to King Louis Philippe on the matter .
5 ‘ Dean has told him he would do all his running and Dalian decided here was the guy he had waited for throughout his career , ’ said the Villa manager .
6 Big Cassie was telling me a story about a couple of riveters that worked together , a family , brothers or cousins or something , and er she says that the guy was a riveter , he used to Maybe if the guy was on the inside holding , on the riveter on the outside this I 'm sure she said they were brothers , he would shout one of them from outside you know , shout his name and the boy would look through the hole you know , and he 's he would spit on him he would spit through the hole .
7 She was painfully aware that if she ever betrayed her ambivalent feelings for him he would end their charade immediately with little or no compunction .
8 The instructions with this recipe which came from an old horseman 's notebook were : Set this mixture by the wind ; that is , the horseman was advised to stand in the wind so that as soon as the colt or horse scented him he would advance towards him .
9 She would need such care and gentleness , and if it killed him he would give it to her , but the passion was raging in him until he could hardly see straight .
10 But he remained convinced that if only the Elector could hear him he would change his mind :
11 I told Debbie about the house because they 'd quarrelled , she and her father , and I was afraid that if she did n't try and make it up with him he would change his mind .
12 Coalition , Baldwin told Chamberlain , ‘ must of course be stamped on ’ ; he went on to say ‘ that if R.M. did approach him he would reply that there was no occasion for a Coalition .
13 He had told her that if she continued to harass him he would call the police .
14 She said : ‘ He was telling everyone that if his girlfriend ever left him he would kill her .
15 If they — whoever they might be — tried to take either from him he would kill them .
16 As we talked , I felt that if I had pressed him he would have loaned it to me anyway , but the Land Rover was necessary for the research programme and it would have been irresponsible to put John 's work at risk .
17 She had reminded him he would have to speak to a certain young man in the Blue Boar this evening .
18 Had she encouraged him he would have given more .
19 But Mortimer said that if it had been him he would have hit the roof . ’
20 But when he asked for his toast , a sister told him he would have to eat rolls and jam or go without .
21 Since it is impossible to communicate with him to reassure him he would have to be kept sedated .
22 Mr Bryant sacked the clerk but Jonathan kept Matthew on and told him he would have to pay all the money back out of his wages , so much a month . ’
23 Rain reminded him he would have put hundreds of people out of work .
24 And in order to write about those things that upset him he would have to think about them .
25 Owen would have told the man to run on but without him he would have been lost at once .
26 ‘ Mum says he should have looked first , Dad says if she 'd been keeping an eye on him he would have been fine .
27 They asked Meehan , who was in a neighbour 's room , about a gas meter and a broken window and Mohammed Mansha told him he would have to pay for the damage .
28 When you met him he would salute with his left arm , having lost his right arm during the war , and when he said ‘ Good Morning ’ , you really felt he meant it .
29 I have often missed him , often felt that if only I could talk over a particular problem with him he would help me to see the way .
30 Matron tried to tell him he would need to feed the Bookman properly but the Headmaster did n't seem to care .
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