Example sentences of "him that you [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But anyway , saying to Father that you , who are the apple of his eye , and in whom he considers he 's bred a lady , telling him that you hope to marry one of the Feltons , the quay Feltons .
2 ‘ You will not tell him that you know of his lapse , will you ? ’
3 You 've you 've made it clear with him that you discriminate quite clearly between the people that go back to work because they 've got children or they 've got l lot of finan and they 've got to do a lot of financial obligations and those who who do n't .
4 And that might do that , I 'll drop Mr a wee note , tell him that you 've been in ,
5 I 'll tell you give him a ring , tell him that you 've given me his , the telephone number and he should expect that I 'll give him a call in the next week
6 The other one is phone Pete up and tell him that you 've been off sick for a week ca n't play football this week .
7 Write a letter to Doctor Jekyll and tell him that you think these ideas are dangerous and unscientific rubbish .
8 If you 've got some new material on him that you want to share with us , I 'm more than happy to arrange another lecture for you later in the term , but frankly , as you 've apparently given the same lecture on him for the past ten years , I can hardly be accused of interfering with academic freedom , can I ? ’
9 I shall go to him to tell him that you want to speak to him personally and do not want to tell anybody else the reason .
10 Tell him that you do love him , but you will have very little time and energy to show that love while you are forced to worry about where the next meal is coming from .
11 All your effort has shown him that you do n't trust him .
12 When you ask him for leave to serve him on this mission he will welcome it as the solution to his anxieties , for even if you are only gone from Kinsai for a time , it will seem to him that you do not mean to impose upon his favour . ’
13 Made it plain to him that you do n't like it ? ’
14 Tell him that you have decided to wage unrestricted war ; that , from this moment on , he is fair game ; that you may attack him without warning at any time ; that he will be at risk whenever he is in or near the school or club where the bullying takes place .
15 ‘ You did n't tell him that you have been asked to investigate INCUBUS .
16 This immediately shows him that you have powers of organisation and also permits him much better to follow your arguments .
17 You are to tell him that you have to see him urgently .
18 ‘ By the way , have you told him that you have n't yet got a divorce ?
19 Assure him that you understand that this is very important to him and immediately ask the nurse in charge of the ward to deal with the patient 's queries .
20 ‘ Tell him that you believe there is someone moving below .
21 It 's because you love him that you feel like killing him and wiping him out of your life .
22 ‘ It 's because you love him that you feel like killing him !
23 Give him a hug and tell him that you love him .
24 All you have to do , Laura , is to tell him that you love him , ’ she 'd added , putting her arms around her old friend and giving her a hug .
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