Example sentences of "him that [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was the part of him that told him he was managing fine and not to change as it would just lead to hassles and worries .
2 How important could you from this work of making known this father 's name and kingdom , he said to his disciples my food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work why did Jesus consider God 's work to be as important as school ?
3 My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me
4 There was a core of hardness to him that prevented him from ever responding to her .
5 He was never going to be Pavarotti , but there was something about him that made him great . ’
6 It was n't just fear of him that made them change .
7 He stared at her , and there was an arrogance about him that made her shiver .
8 There was something about battling with him that made her feel unlike herself — weak , her mind in total confusion .
9 ‘ There was something about him that made me know he was the best revue star we had . ’
10 In other words , there was a side to him that worried her , because she could not understand it .
11 With a feeling of despair she knew there was altogether too much about him that attracted her , that made her want to respond .
12 Some people say it was him that wrote it .
13 His shoulders were tense and there was an air of waiting about him that troubled her .
14 Luther Reynolds had fostered a sadistic streak in him that frightened her .
15 In the end it was the regular-footer Elkerton 's ability to hit for six every type of wave — leg-breaks , off-breaks , googlies , head-severing bouncers — that the Pacific could bowl at him that gave him supremacy .
16 was with the pressure of the membership behind him that did it .
17 There was something about him that set him apart from the other men in the room .
18 No ; I could n't stay close to whatever it was in him that liked it so much .
19 ‘ Did n't you know it was him that found her ?
20 It was the part of him that found it too much of a strain to even think about organizing his work .
21 He 'd remember me , too , because he would have wondered what percentage I had on him that entitled me to come down from her apartment in the early morning .
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