Example sentences of "him like a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Anger could sweep across him like a storm cloud in fast motion and burst all about him in a fury of violently well-picked epithets .
2 He watched her eyes fire with the old , familiar irony , and it hurt him like a blade .
3 This woman of twenty spoke to him like a mentor , like a sage .
4 The fellow carried his failure before him like a monstrance .
5 She should go back to her own bed and not risk either of them getting into more trouble , but he liked having the silly little thing cuddled up to him like a rabbit .
6 She wrapped herself around him like a clam in formation , her body one big muscle , straining .
7 He 'd gathered his life around him like a cloak in which there was only room enough for one .
8 He would have escorted her back to the Old Rectory and then , a minor social obligation performed , turned with relief to walk alone to the abbey , drawing his solitude around him like a cloak .
9 Next came the rinsing , then the part he liked best of all … standing naked before the warm fire , while his mammy dried him with the soft towel that wrapped round him like a cloak .
10 ‘ You must fight him like a gentleman , without anyone to help you ! ’ she told her husband .
11 The KGB will be onto him like a shit . ’
12 He hears the hoofbeats approaching , and raises his eyes , half-expecting to see the exterminating angel , riding towards him like a conqueror .
13 Six years on , the job almost seems to fit him like a glove .
14 But now she suddenly realised it fitted him like a glove .
15 They shouted obscene greetings to him , treating him like a commissionaire , or a bar man .
16 When Appio did not listen to her she would get angry , lift him like a feather and set him on top of a chest of drawers .
17 The nauseating sound of breaking bone was immediately followed by a crash as another blow to the side of the head dropped him like a stone .
18 Burton arrived at the first rehearsal word-perfect and with the part already sewn on him like a skin .
19 Except on that one occasion when she lost her temper and shouted at him like a fishwife in front of her husband .
20 It came up at him like a smack across the chops from a hand wet with soapy water .
21 But , as he rode , a terrible curiosity began to rise up in him and prick him like a gimlet .
22 They taunted him like a rope dangling just out of reach .
23 A sigh went through him like a wave .
24 There on the television monitors was a body lying alone in the middle of the track with his seat still strapped to him like a pilot 's parachute pack .
25 He joked that the other diners were looking at him like a wife-batterer .
26 His small , glistening secretary plunged along in front of him like a dolphin under the bowsprit .
27 After the darkness and coolness the light and heat struck him like a blow .
28 Defeat entered him like a heart attack , stunning the centre of his system .
29 His hair was trailing behind him like a veil and Mike , the bass , observed that he looked as though he was trawling for mackerel ; and as he turned , Colin , the drummer , said : ‘ Bugger me !
30 The walls closed on him like a vice .
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