Example sentences of "then [pron] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Then everyone is better off .
2 and then suddenly from the other end there 's this like , cos we , it 's like a big room , it 's the other end of the room all the dealers there , and er anyway and er and suddenly I hear , and then someone 's like saying talking , they 're all , somebody 's like mi microphone and starts talking to them about er what 's happening in the market , things like that blah blah blah blah blah , and this means blah blah blah blah so watch out for blah blah blah and I thought it 's like living in a different world , it 's amazing .
3 And since then nobody 's ever offered .
4 A lower limit on the mass of Cygnus X-1 can now be obtained by setting m G to 20 and τ : to 90° ; then which is already above the upper limit ( 3.5 ) for the mass of a neutron star .
5 His wife 'll be back then which is just as well — she cleans for the factor 's wife over at ‘ Il Calltuccio ’ in the mornings .
6 Alternatively , if she has been employed by you for a continuous period of at least five calendar years into the qualifying week for 8 hours or more each week , then she is also eligible .
7 If she is staying in a comfortable hotel , has a caddie to look after her needs at the golf course and can travel on the packages arranged by the Tour 's travel operators , then she is more likely to be able to devote her full concentration on her golf .
8 Yeah and then she 's already cut it up into twelfths like this and then she thinks about asking them who wants pizza and there 's only four of them want pizza after all this trouble .
9 She was n't coming out , she like going , she wears and wears them on her back and then she 's just knackered and knackered .
10 And then she 's just think of that .
11 If her drawers are full of clean nighties and stuff , then she 's definitely dead . ’
12 Then she 's always late , is n't she , so she probably would n't .
13 Then she 's still living ? ’
14 Then she 's very intuitive , ’ he returned .
15 The villagers wo n't go near him , except for mad old Meg , but then she 's almost a witch herself .
16 What about assurances then she 's obviously distressed she thinks that she 's going to be in trouble if she come to the police .
17 But then she 's only fifteen … well , just on sixteen .
18 Then she 's only eight .
19 It is generally thought that if premises can not be reinstated within three years then something is grossly wrong .
20 If bringing the Kingdom means people in hospital beds being used in a power struggle between the parties , then something is far wrong .
21 ‘ They happen rarely , but when they do then everything is absolutely perfect .
22 Atomism made sense of the language of chemistry in that , if each symbol is understood as representing one atom , one can ask questions about how they are arranged ; if the symbols merely represent numbers , equivalent weights , then everything is much more abstract .
23 If one holds , of Christ , that he was , in whatever way , unique , then one is clearly a Christian .
24 If one rejects Freud 's suggestion — for instance , by quoting contemporary accounts from the victims — then one is inescapably positing a transhistorical human nature .
25 If one is of course a member of a minority , let us say , one is a Jew or erm a socialist or erm a South German , erm then one is much more likely to cherish democratic values and federal values , and much less likely to accept authoritarian rule from above .
26 If X , Y , and Z are the same as A , B , and C , then one is home .
27 Then there is also that nasty little disorder called ‘ eating amnesia ’ which afflicts us all from time to time .
28 Then there is also the continuous historical revisions within linguistics itself .
29 If you want to be happy and have a happy face and spread a little joy around and then there is just one way , make a face , make a face , make it as happy as you can and make a face but spread a little joy around and then there is just one way
30 If you want to be happy and have a happy face and spread a little joy around and then there is just one way , make a face , make a face , make it as happy as you can and make a face but spread a little joy around and then there is just one way
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