Example sentences of "then [verb] through the " in BNC.

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1 I did a combined cycle and hiking day ; rode over the hill to Wainuiomata and down to the Rimutaka Forest Park , then tramped through the bush and up a long ridge to the top of Mount McKerrow .
2 His big blond head kept coming up , shaking once and then bobbing through the water as he struck out for the machine .
3 ‘ I managed to get away a touch early , ’ the endocrine specialist said as the car slid out of the parking bay and into the main driveway , then wound through the open , grassy grounds to join an arterial road that ran along the winding Brisbane River .
4 As we entered the kitchen Pat looked up at the roof and the large gaping hole caused by a shell that had passed through two floors then smashed through the kitchen door , ending up in the garden .
5 The chitin-rich liquid is then absorbed through the still permeable new skeleton back into the insect 's body .
6 According to some reports , the march was infiltrated by masked youths who stoned ground-floor windows of the Education Ministry and then moved through the city centre towards the Polytechnic , smashing shop windows and setting fire to two cars and a bus .
7 Stephen then came through the door of the house on fire , screaming ‘ Put me out ’ , and pulling burning clothing from him .
8 from a deliberately slow start , he went past 10 miles in around 1:25 then accelerated through the second half of the race to turn in a respectable 2:42:31 .
9 About twenty years ago , after dusk , a weighbridge office employee reported seeing a tramp-like figure walk into the weighbridge office , look around , and then walk through the back wall of the office .
10 Everyone else sat inside , biding time , watching muddy water drip , then trickle through the roof , watching the puddles spread across the floor where it landed .
11 The liquid then passes through the COOLER .
12 If reduced to 1 Wound or below , Maximilian turns ethereal and then passes through the floor in the centre of the circle , leaving Juliane to her fate .
13 Guided by an Elf pilot the ship then passes through the Emerald Gate , a great fortified arch filled with war machines and the cloaked spearmen and archers of the Lothern Sea Guard .
14 It then passes through the site of the former station at Traquair Park East and progresses via housing developments to Station Road , Corstorphine .
15 The male then passes through the nest in order to fertilise the eggs .
16 Animal life began with the invertebrates and then ascended through the sequence of vertebrate classes in the order : fish , reptiles and mammals .
17 Then break through the shield ! ’
18 Now , obviously , you know , yo getting the menopause out into the open so that everyone can talk about it , exchange information that that it 's not seen as a as a taboo or something to be particularly fearful of by men or women is n't going to be much good if it just makes everybody worry for er , for for the first half of o o o of their lives and , and then gibber through the second half !
19 Most parents can identify the first phase of interaction with their child , that is they can see what the child is doing that is irritating and they see how they react , but rarely do they then follow through the interaction to see what happens at the end .
20 This is the most interesting way as you can then follow through the complete life-cycle of the butterfly .
21 Jack fetched his torch and screw-driver , then climbed through the window , struggling to avoid the broken glass .
22 I remembered getting out of my seat , putting on my jacket , wondering about trying to get something to eat , deciding I did n't feel hungry , glancing at the empty luggage rack , and then heading through the station and up the road .
23 There is a school — the old school , you might say — that advocates the making of a court bouillon , cooling that , immersing your salmon in it , then going through the process just described .
24 It would mean a visit to his house to get his National Insurance card , and then going through the intricacies and humiliations of getting money from the State .
25 After about half a minute , tap the person on your left who has now received the power and he then leads through the same activities you did , plus some new ones such as touching toes , jumping in the air , hopping and so on .
26 They were both then hauled through the treacherous water to the boat , but while paddling for the shore , the current seized the boat and it capsized throwing everyone into the water .
27 Then look through the common answers given in the second item and try and relate your answers to them .
28 She looked challengingly at him , then walked through the hangings out of his sight .
29 And hospital volunteers in Devon sold sandwiches which had been chilled , but then displayed through the day with no refrigeration .
30 This is all part of the ritual whether we are visiting a commune or anything else , but good humour now and then breaks through the solemnity , e.g. when one of our students misinterprets and has to be prompted by someone else .
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