Example sentences of "then [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you have paid money to Midland Life before the commencement date and the offer is then withdrawn your money will be returned with interest .
2 The minimum investment is £1,000 and the firm will try to help investors who wish to sell under five years , though they then lose their tax relief under the BES regulations .
3 Northfield School Billingham , made 81 for six then skittled Our Lady and St Bede 's Stockton , for 40 , Stephen Collier taking three for six .
4 It would probably have been easier to create the actor first and then paste its image onto the background , but the way I 've done it here is n't difficult to do .
5 Henry thought about his father-in-law 's funeral , as he placed the Chicken Thallium in the oven , and then checked his watch again .
6 He was taken back to the ward on his bed and staff nurse then checked his condition .
7 Dalgliesh began rapidly but methodically to clear his desk , then checked his murder bag .
8 He would plant her downstage and get her to start playing ’ I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls , ’ and then sabotage her work from the back wall .
9 Anthea waited a moment for Meryl to speak , then consulted her watch .
10 Agnes now went into the back room and , after washing her hands in a bowl of water that stood on a bench , she dried them , then smoothed her hair back and adjusted the bow at the neck of her dress .
11 He gave his scalp a good scratch , then smoothed his hair down as best he could and twisted the longer bits at the back into a coil which he stuffed inside his collar .
12 He looked around him , then smoothed his hair back once more .
13 It is particularly harmful to farmers elsewhere because the Community — with its guaranteed price of , eg , wheat , standing at 165 ecus ( $225 ) per tonne — produces more than it needs , then dumps its surplus onto the world market .
14 But will the banks not then lower their interest rates , thus encouraging people to borrow ?
15 She gave a tiny giggle as a little dollop of cream adhered to the tip of her nose ; she removed it with one finger , licked the pinky , then wiped her nose with her napkin , glancing round the restaurant through the confusing topography of slats and uprights of the seats and screens , apparently worried that this minor lapse in hand-mouth coordination was being critically observed by any of the surrounding middle-class matrons , perhaps with a view to passing on the scandalous morsel to their opposite numbers in Gallanach and having mother black-balled from the local bridge club .
16 He then wiped his hanky clean on another hanky .
17 S but what they say is part of his managerial status demanded him having a company car to which I was given one as well but in effect that then became his wife 's because he was still banned for drink driving .
18 As their demand for more food arises the young ferrets will then make their way towards the fresh meat , taking a great interest in it .
19 When the consortium has concluded with the use of the engine , 20001 will then make its appearance at the Trust in Derbyshire .
20 Social Worker : It may be wrong , but you could n't then make your body not a body which was the only way then you could make yourself not experience some pleasure .
21 The others dropped on the moor , and lay there till dawn and then made their way home …
22 There was an Argentine sailing ship in the river and the sailors came ashore , and then made their way to a dance-hall in Great George Street , where our Liverpool lads were foxtrotting and waltzing .
23 He and Robinson emptied their slop buckets into the waste chutes provided , rinsed them with boiling water and then made their way back to their cell .
24 They shared a bottle of Barolo , then made their way back through the Lanes to the Conference Hall and stood on the sea-front opposite the entrance , watching the arrival of the Great and the Good .
25 In business they conferred with each other for a few minutes and then made their offer .
26 They then made their agreement , which can truly I think be said to have been made under compulsion , by the telex of June 28 , without prejudice to their rights .
27 Elinor thought for a minute or two and then made her decision .
28 She dropped Evelyn off at home and then made her way into work .
29 She selected three magazines , paid for them , then made her way back out onto the concourse .
30 When Jessamy reached the house she collected her painting materials , rough sketches and a couple of books she thought she might need , then made her way to the drawing-room where she was going to work .
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