Example sentences of "him [conj] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 And last night the Prime Minister 's despairing supporters were trotting out the ‘ back him or sack him ’ line that Mrs Thatcher used to fall back on when she was in trouble .
2 If someone tries to harm you in London , it will be hard to stop him or catch him afterwards .
3 You are to search out the traitor Raphael and , when you find him , kill him or bring him back for me . ’
4 Rain said : ‘ I do n't know whether to admire him or despise him .
5 One could only fear him or fight him , and she had chosen to fight long ago .
6 Would release embarrass him or cut him off from that obscure membership of the masculine club ?
7 Lucy did n't for one moment think that she could trick him or trip him , but knew that he 'd see her as young and naive and so might just let her get away with a little more .
8 Susan wondered how she would feel if he did ; or if she touched him or let him know in some other way that she was there ?
9 Hitherto the older waist-band had tended to slip on to the horse 's neck and either throttle him or prevent him from pulling hard ; hence the slower and less efficient ox had been generally used .
10 I 'll have it out of him or turn him over to the press gang .
11 Yeltsin had said at a press conference after the Alma Ata meeting that " we do not want to follow the tradition which has taken shape since 1917 of burying each [ former ] head and leader of the state and subsequently reburying him or regarding him as a criminal " .
12 Gabriel had broken his apprentice 's bond and no one had hanged him or flogged him or thrown him into prison .
13 This had the effect of giving the police a further 24 hours to question the suspect , charge him or release him .
14 Yeah that 's right , very good , so nine , by pouring out this holy spirit and Jesus , Jehovah was er knighting him or appointing him to be the king of this coming kingdom , thing thus have anointed with the spirit , Jesus became the Messiah , which words in the Hebrew and Greek languages mean appoint , a anointed , therefore he became in fact Jesus Christ or Jesus the United , so , so it was Apostle Peter spoke of Jesus who was from Nazareth , Nazareth , how about anointed them , but all the spirit and power , also by his baptism and water , Jesus was presenting himself to God , to carry out the work that God had sent him to earth to do , what was that important work ?
15 Love him or loathe him , Adrian Mole and his secret diary were as much a part of the 1980s as portable phones and rich estate agents .
16 Love him or loathe him , at least he knows what he is talking about .
17 LIKE HIM or loathe him , nobody can ignore Ian Botham .
18 Arthur Scargill , love him or loathe him , has been telling us but nobody listens .
19 Because the sons of the primal father both loved and hated him the possibility arose that those of them who by luck or design chanced on their actual fathers in their hunt for women and killed him or drove him off ( most probably the former , the latter seems insufficiently traumatic ) would have gratified one side of their ambivalent feelings , but would by the same action have frustrated the other .
20 Christ does care about the details of how we conduct ourselves in all these situations , because the standards we have at work either honour him or dishonour him .
21 This is the spirit of truth whom the world can not receive because it does not know him , does not behold him or know him , but you know him because he abides with you and will be in you .
22 Story-telling is considered a part of a woman 's magical repertoire — a device she can use to affect the listener , melting his heart , distracting him or binding him to her as the occasion demands .
23 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
24 People with power and authority who did n't like the things that Jesus said and did , and who tried to threaten him or get him beaten up .
25 There 's no proof , and … and she 's fond of him and she would n't do anything to hurt him or get him into trouble .
26 It takes a great deal of sensitivity to provide activities which stimulate the patient 's interest , without exhausting him or making him frustrated if he can not achieve what he wants or what you hope for .
27 She did n't want to think about Timothy Gedge , to dwell on him or to consider him in any way whatsoever .
28 I 've seen the man 's face actually resting on the foot of the horse ; but never at any time the horse stand on him , tramp on him or damage him in any way .
29 for whom that I had to decide whether I was going to marry him or give him up and decided I could n't give him up so I married him and was extremely happy and was shattered when he died and I , I , a , it went from you know I , I never real , thought I would be as happy , could be as happy as I was
30 ‘ Do you wish to speak to him or see him ? ’
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