Example sentences of "him [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Minister 's only defence I do not recall him using it in Committee — against the charge that he is wantonly selling public assets cheaply is that we always have recourse to the Public Accounts Committee .
2 I was so angry that I wrote a furious letter to him accusing him of being un-Christian and ignorant , and also wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury , whom I also regard as ineffectual .
3 The incident was reported in the press , however , and his secretary was quoted in one newspaper as saying , " Many Jewish people have written to him accusing him of anti-semitism .
4 She was hardly aware of him stripping her of her clothes before his tongue started its own journey of exploration .
5 Flaubert 's Dictionary offers a course in irony : from entry to entry , you can see him applying it in various thicknesses , like a cross-Channel painter darkening the sky with another wash .
6 Examine a scene from the play where one boy creeps up on another and then springs on him stabbing him in the back with his knife .
7 You feel him imagining himself as the last rock of culture and civilization being swept over by a wave of barbarism and Jews ( communism and commercialism ) , the saviour of more than the Constitution , the saviour of all that has been culture , the snob of the West .
8 ‘ To stop him bullying you on your birthday . ’
9 Rain left him supporting himself against a table as she fetched her shoulder bag .
10 She found it difficult to imagine him getting something for supper .
11 Mr eleven year old son offered to help so one of the put a gun to him and forced him to lead them to him threatening him at the same time .
12 Daddy shreds them up — I saw him doing it with a razor blade , Steph — and burns them .
13 Soft ground is essential for Yahoo and conditions should be to his liking , although if he could not beat Desert Orchid in the Cheltenham bog it is difficult to visualise him doing it at Kempton .
14 Titch left him a key , you see , while he was away , so he could keep an eye on the place , or maybe if he wanted to do some painting , the way your nan carried on about him doing it at home — anyway , he went round there that night . ’
15 He epitomises the polite , friendly grandfather figure , all six foot three of him greeting me with a firm handshake .
16 Yeah , probably , me and this other mate he 'd a , did a , I can , I can remember him saying something about I 'll race yeah , it , like I remember just remember him , me and him run running down ramps and stuff trying to get back down to the ground floor , so .
17 It just er I remember him saying something to me .
18 So on this summer 's evening , to an expectant and full congregation , we hear him saying something like this :
19 I do n't remember him saying anything about a job . ’
20 This was his first mainline trip and he was grateful to Sam for his advice and also for him taking him on this trip .
21 I remember him taking me for a drive in his car when he told me the joyful news about his forthcoming marriage to Rosemary and feeling so happy that he was going to be happy .
22 It 's not just a case of him taking us with all of what we had and were and us belonging to him , but he says i in taking you to myself , he says I give myself to you .
23 I could almost see him ticking me off the list of people to inform of his change of address .
24 I found him cursing her for the border .
25 Robbe-Grillet 's insistence upon the essentially ludic dimension of all of his fiction ( and cinema ) was also a means of escaping what might be termed the prison-house of reflexivity ; it was not uncommon to find him distancing himself from Ricardou , even during the conference devoted to his work in 1975 , at which he claimed that even his supposedly ‘ theoretical ’ utterances over the years should be construed as attempts to maintain plurality and mobility .
26 He 's a nice boy , ’ she said tolerantly , and a shade absurdly in view of the fact that she was perhaps two years his senior , ‘ but somehow I do n't see him making it to the top .
27 But the broken right shin and thigh bones did n't stop him discharging himself from hospital .
28 That was him putting them through was n't it ?
29 I 'm gon na get out of me head I see him putting them over here .
30 Well as he said well he did n't say but I mean it 's just a question of him putting them in the post .
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