Example sentences of "have been [v-ing] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Opioid use is the top category , and individuals in this group may also have been using any of the drugs in the other five categories .
2 Barbiturates are the second hierarchical category , and individuals in this group may have been using any of the drugs in the four categories below , but not opioids .
3 The suddenness of the increased use of artillery in the third quarter of the fourteenth century is evidenced by the fact that when Gaston Fébus , vicomte of Béarn in the Pyrenees , had a network of fortifications constructed between 1365 and 1380 ( a period during which many castles were built in France ) he must have been building some of the last fortifications to take no account of artillery , which was very soon to compel important developments in the art of defence .
4 She told him her perfume came all the way from Hollywood , in America , where she herself would have been living these last nine years if only Frankie 's birth had not robbed her of the life of glamour and excitement she deserved .
5 Could she really have been reading that ? he wondered , looking around for the novel stuffed behind a cushion .
6 ' … which he thought he might have been wearing that afternoon and then changed his mind and said he had n't , ’ continued Harris , unperturbed by the interruption .
7 So she must have been wearing some funny shoes to get corns on
8 She must have been straining all day .
9 Many of them will not have been earning enough to pay national insurance , so will not qualify for unemployment benefit — and will not affect the unemployment statistics .
10 Esau can not have been expecting such remorse , such willingness to make amends from Jacob .
11 By now the coroner should have been singing some lewd song at the top of his voice , bellowing abuse at the landlord , or urging Athelstan to come back to his house in Cheapside .
12 Let's hope he or she cares about you enough to say , ‘ You know you should have called me earlier-you must have been holding this in for days ! ’
13 He must have been causing some problems .
14 ‘ Another smile like the one you were giving him and he would have been fastening that ribbon himself .
15 It must have been discouraging that Adieu was not thought worthy to be given at Sadler 's Wells , and that the more handsome setting which Stevenson had designed for it was not used at that time .
16 The listings from early modern England show that up to 8 per cent of households of over-sixty-year-olds might have been receiving some economic support through lodgers .
17 Institute Council member Douglas Llambias said the fine ‘ was out of all proportion to a guilty verdict ’ , and added that if the fines were capped , ‘ we should have been publicising that for the last 12 months .
18 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
19 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
20 Agnes said the words to herself , her mind telling her that this was the end of June and her sister must have been carrying this dreadful secret since … when ?
21 The death of Matthew Makepeace , the man who should have been lecturing that afternoon , ‘ one of the most promising scholars of his generation ’ , the old Professor used to tell us , was ‘ an inestimable loss to the department and the university as a whole ’ .
22 The Review Panel would have had to try to persuade the court that complying with FRED 1 failed to give a true and fair view , and it would have been presenting this argument at the same time that companies generally were being compelled to comply with FRS 3 ( a not fundamentally revised version of FRED 1 ) in order to give a true and fair view .
23 I mean can I just return to what Queenie Warley said about the rents , because basically what she said was the conservative view on council house rents was that yes they had to go up because the Government decreed they had to go up , that they would have put them up earlier so people would have been paying more for longer , and the phasing that they 're suggesting now what she did n't point out is that under the Conservative proposal people would finish up paying even higher rents than they will have to pay this year .
24 We are going through enormous changes in the education system at the moment and as Governors we have had to struggle terribly hard to learn how to govern schools as more power and more authority has been devolved to us , and we should have been spending this year erm working together on learning how to run a more successful school , and instead erm we 've had to waste a hell of a lot of time on really what was an absolute political nonsense and irrelevance , and I am glad we can turn aside from that .
25 Paradoxically , however , although over the years you may have been contributing many thousands of pounds to the Inland Revenue , in practice you may have had very little direct contact with the tax system .
26 These men were in touch with Edward Balliol , the heir of the Scottish king dispossessed by Edward I , and they may have been planning some move to recover their position in either England or Scotland .
27 When I lived right on the job it used to drive my wife round the bend — I 'd be at home on a weekend , perhaps in the garden , and I 'd think about something in the greenhouse across the road so I 'd go over there and disappear for an hour whereas perhaps I should have been giving more time to my family .
28 But such people forgot that for most Americans television is an inherently incredible medium , and to the extent that in the King case it might be believable , demonstrated merely that Los Angeles police officers were subduing a human who , out of sight of the video camera , might have been threatening these officers with fists , machine pistol or portable Scud missile .
29 Kammerer must have been imposing such intense selection on such a large sample of eggs that he was able to filter out the odd egg that carried the remnant complex of genes still present in the species ' gene pool at very low frequencies .
30 With his hand pressed firmly to a creased brown , Spencer uttered : ‘ Oh man , if I 'd known you were gon na wear shoes like that , we would n't have been having this conversation … ‘
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