Example sentences of "have been [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is , for instance , improbable that , on a joint assessment of £133. 6s. 8d. , any of the three Thomases of Lavale would have been mere labourers .
2 In the early stages we started off with perhaps Minor schools which could almost have been Major ones , because you were just trying to find any school that had got some kind of life , or interest , or things happening … really in many ways it was rather a matter of chance because of the way it happened at the time .
3 Clearly , Harald was a highly-efficient organiser of labour and materials : the felling and transportation of the large quantities of timber used in the camps and at Ravning , for example , must have been major operations in themselves .
4 ’ If we were still in our own country , Andreas , a man like you would have been married years ago and you would have many children to delight you in your old age . ’
5 The correct sentence would have been nine months ' detention in a young offender institution , and that sentence would be substituted .
6 It would have been nine wickets , but Lewis Eckett , editor of Club Horror , was Absent Without Leave .
7 There should have been real mountains , or no mountains at all .
8 In his zeal to demonstrate that the Conservatives were committed individualists Fforde refuses to accept that there may have been real disagreements within the party .
9 It could have been four years .
10 And she went on a party of three , no , no , she went with a party of four friends I think , there were five of them altogether and er she stayed for well er , three nights , four days , or four days , three nights I ca n't remember no , it must have been four days , four nights , three days .
11 If the non-transferable votes had been transferred in the same proportion there would have been insufficient transfers to Donnelly to ensure his election .
12 Although some of the Wealden towns may have been regional centres for craft specialisation , such as Battle with its leather working and shoemaking , most of them provided a wide range of services which allowed a high degree of virtual self-sufficiency to their surrounding areas .
13 That should have been six times nought point two over
14 Charlie heard the words , ‘ Carry on , Sergeant-Major , ’ and a moment later a man who must have been six feet six inches in height , and whose beer-barrel chest was covered in medal ribbons , took a pace forward .
15 It must have been six months ago , when he started stealing money from his uncle . ’
16 There was no way of being certain how long she 'd spent on the ward ; it might have been six weeks or six years , but she was guessing at six months because this had been the first commission review that she 'd received .
17 If it had been a more crowded time there would have been unbelievable numbers , ’ he said .
18 The patient with chronic pain is often mentally depressed and there may have been adverse experiences such as sexual abuse or threatening life events .
19 ‘ My beloved husband died after a lingering illness on 29th April at 18 minutes past 4 o'clock in the morning … if he would have lived to the 25th August , he would have been 63 years old . ’
20 For all I know they may have been part-time MPs , or they may have had a limited electorate to represent .
21 Oh it might have been eight pounds .
22 Besides , there is good evidence that the crocodiles of that time were much faster-moving reptiles than their dinosaur contemporaries — indeed , the ancestors of modern crocodiles may have been nimble land-animals , since to this day crocodiles have an ankle structure typical of a rapid terrestrial carnivore .
23 Derek seems to remember that it was shortly after this change that a couple of what could have been nasty instances occurred .
24 Bailey ( 1981 ) considered that the source of the Ba-Pb-Zn vein mineralisation hosted by Lower Ordovician shales in the Shropshire orefield could have been connate brines from the Welsh Basin .
25 As I use Taskmax and Windows 3 , both of which use SWAP designations , these would have been primary candidates for missing disk space , except in both cases the swap areas are allocated to E : \WIN — a subdirectory on a 3Mb RAM drive .
26 Judging from the ensembles in which their names appear , the instruments they are listed as playing in other ballet livrets , and the inventories of instruments that some of the royal wind players had in their possession at their deaths , they must all have been versatile performers on several instruments .
27 Rachaela could imagine Emma would have been all congratulations and the joys of womanhood .
28 ‘ But that noise need n't have been a retch — could have been all sorts of things . ’
29 Normally there would have been two solicitors covering police stations at Stockton , Middlesbrough , Thornaby , South Bank , Redcar and Guisborough .
30 Some confusion exists as to the original scratchplate , and there may well have been two variations .
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