Example sentences of "have feel [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They must have felt pretty safe , confident , you know , because they did n't bother to use much evasive language .
2 I mean , if he 'd gone off with a humped-back , three legged dwarf I would have felt pretty unattractive .
3 In an age before antibiotics , any doctor must have felt particularly helpless in such a case ; the situation worsened during the winter months and into the spring , until in late April peritonitis and meningitis set in .
4 Given my background , as described in the previous chapter , it is not surprising that I should have felt particularly sensitive on this point .
5 Len wanted us to get married in a Registry Office , but somehow , I would n't have felt properly married .
6 Evidence of a psychologist was heard on the voir dire , the essence of whose testimony was that when B had made the admissions he had been suffering from a relatively mild form of paranoid psychosis , the effect of which was that , under the stress of questioning , he would have felt very threatened , been likely to tell lies , and to make untrue admissions .
7 She ca n't have felt very much .
8 Looking even more closely at the photograph and the innocence in her mother 's eyes , Ellie had decided that her mother must have felt very shy .
9 All now depended on the landing in Scotland , originally intended only as a diversion , though few who remembered James 's disaster-prone record can have felt very optimistic about it .
10 Erm , when I first started erm I think the typists felt that erm as an ordinary typist I ought to er be in the typing pool but the I 'm glad I did n't because I do n't think I would have felt very happy amongst er
11 John Foster Fraser and two friends cycled round the world on more conventional cycles in 1896 , but 19,237 miles must have felt very tough on the slow , heavy bikes of the time .
12 Indeed , had he told me where he went and with whom on the evenings he spent away from the attic , I should have felt less vulnerable : it was secrecy itself I found hostile .
13 He should have felt as tired and inadequate as his age and circumstances dictated , but he did not .
14 No old bomber pilot , making a forced landing with no wheels , on a load of unused bombs , could possibly have felt as bad as he did at the moment .
15 They skirted the edge of the open space , keeping to the borders of woodland which had once been landscaped , and Melanie was grateful , for she would have felt too visible , too exposed out on the sea of grass — a sitting target for some marksman , for the arrow of any figure in Lincoln green who might be flitting among the mossy trunks .
16 So here are a few of mine , mixed in with answers to those questions you might have felt too silly to ask .
17 Nenna would have felt better pleased with herself if she had resembled her elder daughter .
18 They would have felt more cautious if they 'd known one of his qualifications was that he was the most deadly marksman in Western Europe with a rifle .
19 Had the house actually left the ground , he knew that he could n't have felt more strange than he did at this moment , or more afraid : there was someone here .
20 A mountain would n't have felt more solid and immovable .
21 She would have felt more able to respond if only he 'd exploded in a burst of anger .
22 ‘ For myself , ’ Mrs Parvis went on , ‘ I 'd have felt more excited like , if it 'd finished lost summer .
23 The following day I might have felt more disenchanted than ever , but news of the posting blotted out all other feelings .
24 o over there cos it , it must be must have felt quite isolated
25 God you must have felt quite silly
26 I would have felt much happier if the word had been will rather than could .
27 erm But I do think that women need to have much more of a sense of their own power , or at least of the fact that they 're not as powerless as they think of themselves as being , and so they can say when the tutor puts his hand on their knee or something like that ‘ I 'm sorry , would you take your hand away , that 's not part of our relationship ’ or something that just so they do n't have to feel so bad about it .
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