Example sentences of "have take them [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I wish I 'd have took them out a long while ago when they were higher .
2 And then when I went up home , I 'd have took them out and put them in the fridge and she says what are you doing and I says well that 's a couple of day 's meat for you and she says no no take that off home , take that off home , I 've and I says no that 'll do you .
3 I do n't know where they , she must have taken them upstairs I think .
4 Bless them , she thought fondly , it must have taken them forever to save up for it from their meagre pocket money .
5 You may think they were tainted , but we know they were tested at the priory and I doubt the Lady Eleanor would have taken them solely on the Prince 's word . ’
6 After all , it may have taken them quite a lot of courage to criticize you in the first place .
7 They might have fared more comfortably had they sailed a longer journey — from Kingsburgh up to Waternish point , a journey which would then have taken them directly down into Loch Dunvegan — although local people told me the weather here can come up very quickly , and perhaps Allan Macdonald 's boat was not adequately large .
8 He must have taken them back with him last time he was here . ’
9 Well when Ken said about the headboard last week they were selling sheets on mini market I said pink ones and grey ones but I said not while they had the Christmas stuff in , it was before the Christmas stuff they must have taken them out you know I
10 ‘ You 'll have to take them upstairs , Zach .
11 they 've go , that 's it , the they do have to take them on
12 He should have left the bloody things off because they 're gon na have to take them off if they have their carpets down and might have to have something planed off them or something might n't they ?
13 Sometimes when the little ones were weakly or had been abandoned by their mothers , we would have to take them inside and feed them by hand .
14 We 'll have to take them down the recycling .
15 we 'll , we 'll have to take them though
16 then I 'm gon na have to take them back in again !
17 So I got some of them velour curtains but I 've got the wrong size I 'll have to take them back
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