Example sentences of "have have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We made sure that er on each occasion er we reached a figure or a set of figures that would be mutually acceptable to ask the colleague or colleagues and , and then it was registered in the minutes as a , so we could refer back to er any cases er that were similar and that then made life easier for the shop stewards er who may have had a recurrence of the same problem .
2 However , if that election had been fought under some system of proportional representation then the Conservatives would have had a majority over Labour but would have been in a very substantial overall minority since the Liberals and Social Democrats would have held 160 or so seats .
3 Old Charlie must have had a bit of a penchant for potholing judging by the amount of time he spent in every rock crevice north of Carlisle , but I prefer to suspend my scepticism and believe that the great man did indeed peel off his powdered wig and roll out a sleeping-bag in all the places that maps and local handouts would have us believe .
4 Looking back , there have been occasions when I might have had a bit more foresight , particularly when this chap rang me from Newcastle one day raving about this brilliant young footballer he wanted me to look after .
5 Perhaps I could have had a bit of a chat to him . ’
6 ‘ He could have had a bit of a crush , ’ she acknowledged , ‘ but the main attraction was my career .
7 No a bit bigger seems to me if we 'd moved up a bit we would have had a bit more room .
8 you do n't know the full story , she might have had a bit of a
9 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
10 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
11 I used to look at birth books and that , otherwise I would n't have had a clue .
12 Finally this study has given me a good idea of what life has been for people living in the past in America , where as before , I would n't have had a clue and it 's also taught me that no matter how many times you read a book , you 'll always find new links and connections .
13 Had Canada won against the Swedes , Australia would then have had a home tie against them with the chance to recoup some of their financial losses in Cyprus , coupled with the incentive of knowing that further success would probably earn them a home match with the United States in the semi-finals .
14 I think they must have had a bleeper on my car ; I never checked , and they 'd have taken it away when they caught up — damn it , it 's what I 'd have done : a simple radio bleeper with a magnet , you can stick it on in two seconds .
15 Previously , she would have had a contribution of £19.00 .
16 It was an obvious-looking deception , and should n't have had a hope in hell of working ; but the girls were mostly young and good-looking , and their prey were mostly out-of-towners , and as long as they kept shifting their ground the money kept on coming in .
17 Everyone with shares should have had a payment notice saying how much they owe .
18 ‘ You could n't have had a golf course made for a man 's game more than that golf course for John Daly , ’ observed the man who has won more Masters than anyone , six all told and now playing his 34th in succession .
19 The work of Lifshitz and Khalatnikov was valuable because it showed that the universe could have had a singularity , a big bang , if the general theory of relativity was correct .
20 This close association of Church and Party may well have had a cost to the Church in limiting recruitment to people who are not committed supporters of the Official Unionist Party but , given that the DUP support is twenty times the size of the Free Church and that there is a large uncommitted population , this is probably not something which explains why more people do not join the Free Church .
21 They might as well have had a rope round his ankle .
22 Oldham manager Joe Royle would make no comment , but his centre forward Graeme Sharp said : ‘ Cambridge adapted better to the windy conditions and could have had a goal or two more . ’
23 If state officials perform a particular action , the elite must have had a goal which that action helps .
24 An appeal court said fresh evidence presented last month could have had a bearing on the jury 's original verdict .
25 The Times Diary suggested recently that parent company W H Smith 's reluctance to write off shopfitting costs estimated at £500,000 might have had a bearing on the newfound amity between the companies .
26 This may well have had a bearing on Washington 's decision later in the year to send out the hostage intelligence team , headed by Major Charles McKee of the DIA , who died in the bombing of Flight 103 .
27 Indeed , the loss of the Asmar network 's continuing surveillance of NARCOG 's operations in Lebanon may well have had a bearing on the bombing itself .
28 Michael Banks had been a man who inspired love , but even so Charles could produce quite a list of people who might have had a grudge against him .
29 The Marquis may have had a diggicult year but the last few months though have been more difficult for Becky Blandford .
30 No they must have had a cylinder there already .
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