Example sentences of "have be the most " in BNC.

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1 Paolo Uccello would have been the most delightful and imaginative genius since Giotto that had adorned the art of painting , if he had devoted as much pains to figures and animals as he did to questions of perspective , for , although these are ingenious and good in their way , yet an immoderate devotion to them causes an infinite waste of time , fatigues nature , clogs the mind with difficulties , and frequently renders it sterile where it had previously been fertile and facile .
2 Tremayne said robustly , ‘ My dearest girl , it must have been the most dreadful accident .
3 It must have been the most bewildering social change since the Enclosures , and yet I can find no reference to it in the village School Log .
4 My expressing some Fear of being troublesome in coming so frequently , occasioned a great Variety of Invitations , both in Verse and Prose ; which I could seldom resist : And indeed her whole Behaviour to me was so extremely good-natur 'd and obliging , that I must have been the most ungrateful Person in the World , if I had not endeavour 'd to make some Return .
5 Even Dr Hensman , who should have been the most astonished ( and perhaps secretly was ) joined in the game .
6 In its final version , the SAS jeep must surely have been the most cost-effective fighting vehicle ever developed .
7 Free from the forests and swamps of the lowlands they would have been the most healthy as well as the most defensible homesteads for prehistoric man .
8 Johann Sebastian may not have been the most avant-garde composer of his generation , but Kuhnau emerges as almost archaic in comparison .
9 Perhaps it is a reflection on the economic failure of communism that its greatest status symbol should have been the most precious household item of the unemployed in the West .
10 Knives would obviously have been the most common tool in everyday life , being useful for numerous functions .
11 Twenty years back he must have been the most exciting man any girl could hope to meet , in or out of the British Army .
12 This independence and opportunity for large profit must have been the most important distinction between riches and grinding poverty and must have played a greater part in creating the economic hierarchy of rural society than any other factor .
13 Then we went in to Hamish and Tone 's for tea and apologies , and later drove to the castle for what would have been the most excruciating interval of my life if Verity and Lewis had still been there , but they were n't ; they had taken off in the car to visit some friends of Verity 's who lived in Ardnamurchan , and would n't be back until late tomorrow at the earliest .
14 This did not in practice apply to landless labourers or peasants with very little land , a large and growing element in the rural population ; but if it had been put into effect it would none the less have been the most sweeping social legislation seen anywhere in old regime Europe .
15 Malcolm Harris , who would have been the most vigorous protester , was not present , but Peter Hickton , acting on the author 's behalf , remonstrated .
16 One member of each pair was asked to describe a drawing for their partner to draw — the casters ' may not have been the most successful — but it certainly proved to be the funniest !
17 On the other hand there is much reason to suppose that , had there been no major threat to the Eurasian balance of power , trade and other economic differences would have been the most prominent issue , particularly if those in the United States who favoured multilateral and freer trade had gained sufficient backing for their policies at home .
18 When a client comes to see you , having been injured in an accident , they will be seeing you following what will probably have been the most traumatic event of their life .
19 That 's what I 'm saying , they need , they need just a little , in fact we do here you could argue , er , I feel that all the elements there are of a turning into something a bit ugly , I think , I think they were very quick to drop those statues down , now I know , I know the fellow who in , who set up the K G B could have been the most popular bloke in the Soviet Union , but nonetheless , er he was down within a day , I hear this morning that Yeltsin 's talking about border changes and quite frankly they 're moving too quick and Gorbachev at least was providing a bit of restraint , and I think it , they want to think in terms of decade .
20 ‘ I may not have been the tallest , nor the most athletic — Mick Doyle reckoned I only ever jumped from my shoulders up — but what I did have was the most effective arse in world rugby ’ .
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