Example sentences of "have be any [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The girl that was Angela Morgan had looked out of the photograph , whereas what lay on the ground , arms outstretched , could have been any young woman with dark hair .
2 His unhappiness should not have been any great surprise , as St John 's was known as a high Anglican school , elitist and exclusive .
3 Could they have been any worse , do you think ? ’
4 ‘ Imagine that ! ’ she had said again , to her escort , who wore white gloves , of course , because it was evening , but whose name she could never remember — it might have been any one of half a dozen — and whose fresh , young face was in shadow .
5 It could have been any one of those residents , even the frailest woman .
6 Given the richness of interconnections between the boxes , it could have been any one of them that was dubbed the conscious one , so we would need something more by way of justification for choosing any particular one .
7 It could have been any one of many faces opposite me in a fashionable Italian restaurant , a woman heavily scented , expensively ajingle .
8 He could have been any one of the brothers .
9 So your on your only answer is , well it could have been any one of these five .
10 The iron mine could have been any one of several in this region there are a number of veins or strings of haematite which have been tried , as well as some quite extensive deposits .
11 The path that is output might have been any one of many equal interpretations . )
12 With mum Carol 's heritage it could never have been any other way — her roots , after all , lay thousands of miles away in Wales , the Land of Song .
13 Mm , so it would n't have been any good going in .
14 In Ireland last week , we were accused of writing a ‘ dirty ’ book for vulgar gain ( would it have been any better if we 'd done it for charity ? ) and worse , of racism .
15 Erm but I do n't think we , if we 'd have done a lot more work you know , it 'd have been any better .
16 I could have been any little old lady waiting for a relative to arrive from Holland .
17 She said carefully , ‘ There is , of course , another way of looking at it , if you can bear , for a moment , to push to one side the thought that there might have been any spiteful intent on my part . ’
18 So would she really have been any less affected if it had happened to her now , at the age of twenty-five ?
19 There can not have been any English fans who had expected their team to win the series , but the manner in which they were just being steam-rollered seemly scarcely credible .
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