Example sentences of "have [been] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Ministry did tell us not to waste effort growing flowers , but somehow one always felt they were not quite as right as they might have been on that one .
2 Andy overtook a container lorry , the kind of thing that should never have been on that road , and hit a Volvo estate car coming in the opposite direction .
3 if it 's doing so well , oh and you would n't have been on that long under a Labour Government , of course , it would 've been jobs for the boys , they 'd 've slipped you in I 'm sure .
4 And we might , might well have been on that train that had the crash .
5 Could have been on that boardwalk thing that we spoke about just across the road .
6 That 's why I have to keep an eye on it cos that blind and that , but it wo n't come yet , it would n't have been on that , that was priced it .
7 Could have been on that .
8 The only problem was the London Paddington to Liverpool train did n't run from the expected start station , it started from Reading instead of from Paddington , so if you were expecting somebody on that train , well they may not have , may not have been on that one if they er were actually starting from Paddington , otherwise no problems on the buses .
9 He must have been on one or other of them every night , in weather much like this , all through that last summer of his life .
10 otherwise I would have been on two fifty .
11 She looked exquisite , breakable , so desirable that not a few lustier members of the congregation , whose minds should have been on holier things , found themselves in a sudden , quite ferocious state somewhere between arousal and bewitchment , which could bring any man to his knees .
12 I must I must have been I must have been on good form that day
13 Oh , very very big , he explained and stepped away from the end of the table to indicate with his hand where the tail would have been on this particular specimen .
14 He had visited the place in 1937 and it must have been on this occasion that he took photographs of the village and of St Michael 's Church there ( where later his ashes were to be interred ) .
15 He would n't have been on this airwell at the time , though .
16 Australia may as well have been on another planet to post war Britain .
17 She became aware at an early stage that there was an entirely different way of life available not far outside Baldersdale , perhaps more appealing to her , but it could have been on another planet .
18 Jamie and the girl were inches away from me , holding me by an arm each , being bumped into frequently , but my drunkenness had now got to such a state — as the last two quickly consumed pints and an accompanying whisky caught up with my racing bloodstream — that I might as well have been on another planet for all the hope I had of making them understand what I wanted .
19 Bernard , harder on his own son than he might have been on any other twenty-three-year-old in the company was not keen , telling him he had no business experience .
20 Very much , in fact the chances were coming your way before the goals went in , you could have been on level terms an awful lot earlier .
21 It would seem that Miller can not have been on amicable terms with the gardeners there , otherwise he would have made a point of a visit then .
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