Example sentences of "have [been] [art] case " in BNC.

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1 It was in 1927 for example that Kenneth Macpherson speculated whether those early film audiences had not just been distracted and drawn mindlessly from the streets but rather it might have been a case of ‘ the people getting in some dim way the fact that there was something under their eyes , a sense of life and expectancy ’ .
2 Evidently it did not occur to him that it could also have been a case of the mastery of English becoming a kind of weapon in the mouths of the dispossessed .
3 Indeed , you had , you had thought about it and so it would just have been a case of saying , yes , this is obvious .
4 Though opinion in the South gradually softened , there can be little doubt that the obverse would have been the case had the British government not changed tack and demurred at an openly repressive strategy .
5 ‘ That might have been the case once , but now we produce perfectly good coaches ourselves , and I 'm concerned the incentive will disappear if administrators continue to look only to Australia . ’
6 THE national championships begin in Newcastle today with Martine Le Moignan , the world champion , and Del Harris , the England No.1 , defending their British titles in far less confident mood than would have been the case a few months ago .
7 But now , looking back , I think that such must have been the case .
8 It may even have been the case — a suggestion emanating , admittedly , from a piece of post-war testimony — that the Reich Propaganda Ministry deliberately started off a rumour that the Führer , on discovering what was taking place ( in an ‘ action ’ which , in reality , he himself had authorized in writing ) , had given the order to halt it immediately .
9 This might have been the case in France or West Germany ; but , as the administration rapidly found out , it was not the case in the United States .
10 For these reasons Magharba and Zuwaya who were not tribally minded stayed away : voters who regarded themselves as modernizing were silent , and the turn-out was somewhat lower than would otherwise have been the case .
11 Svetlanov 's way with La mer might easily have been refracted through the prism of early , Russian-orientated Stravinsky who , as it happens ( and should certainly have been the case ) , was one of the composers featured in the London Sinfonietta 's Queen Elizabeth Hall contribution to the ‘ Towards the Millennium ’ series , which , every year until 2000 , will digest systematically a particular decade of music from 1900 onwards .
12 The name CIA is now synonymous with everything that is corrupt and has certainly turned more people towards Communism than would have been the case had American foreign policy been more open and honest .
13 Loxton agreed that might well have been the case .
14 This may well have been the case in September 1987 but I thought most reviewers were scared to dive in and uncover the record 's moments of uncoordinated parody for fear of being trampled to death by hordes of rampant Smiths devotees .
15 It must always have been the case that some problems are inherently insoluble , but perhaps it is the stress on all social services that turns the CAB into the last port of call when all others have failed .
16 However , many clients were supported by the scheme , and it is only through comparison with the control sample that one can determine whether or not the project was successful in sustaining them at home for a longer period of time than would have been the case without it .
17 Yet often it can not have been the case that a recalcitrant trustee remained in possession of the property entrusted to him .
18 It was thought that Green took his large prepared copper plates out into the landscape and worked on them in front of the actual view , but when one looks at a print of a recognisable location the image is not reversed as would have been the case if a direct drawing onto the plate had been made from nature .
19 ‘ And if that is the case for exit polls , it may also have been the case for the campaign polls , ’ he writes .
20 Many more lesbians and gays were openly involved in their local Labour parties than would have been the case even five years previously , and they ensured that the Labour manifestos in the 1986 council elections included commitments to lesbian and gay work .
21 However , the confidence and sense of involvement that came out of the meetings ensured that all the men in the group were actually present at the birth of their child , and this might not otherwise have been the case .
22 Matters would have been made that much simpler had the guild clerk also been the parish clerk and it might well have been the case in some instances .
23 This enabled the party to put across its message more efficiently and effectively than would otherwise have been the case , and helped compensate for the other serious communications difficulties within the country .
24 Even so this sequence of events is very unlikely to happen and occurs some million times slower than would have been the case if there were neutrons there to start with .
25 Fleischmann and Pons worried that the numbers of neutrons that they appeared to be seeing were billions less than should have been the case if their heat data were correct and due to fusion .
26 Luckily they seemed to want , even need , to talk , so it was n't necessary for me to try to head him onto other subjects as I had felt might possibly have been the case .
27 Knowing that he was unquestionably going to die , and not knowing how or when , had been a strain , and the fact that it had been so much easier for him than might have been the case was a great relief .
28 The Socialist leadership 's sensitivity to FNTT members ' expectations meant that agrarian issues pressed even more urgently upon it than would otherwise have been the case .
29 Many more Brothers had returned than might otherwise have been the case , had the Wolverine Squad not commandeered that Emperor Titan …
30 Apart from having limited time to try and spread the gospel about the tournament in its magnificent venue , if , as should have happened , Jimmy Connors had played , if John McEnroe had survived his first round , if Pat Cash had looked better prepared and if , as certainly should have been the case , Jeremy Bates had taken the opportunity he had to upset Wimbledon quarter finalist , Thierry Champion , the whole picture may have looked so different .
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