Example sentences of "have [been] [det] [det] " in BNC.

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1 If proper security valves , which close after initial pressure is dissipated , had been used the pollution would have been much less , says Moeri .
2 The preparation of the foundations and the timbers alone would have required considerable time and although C12 is the largest building excavated at the site , the effort required to build many of the others would not have been much less .
3 Northamptonshire paid £1,000 in coat-and-conduct money alone , though as an inland shire its expenses on fortification would have been much less than Norfolk 's .
4 If at any stage in the discussions on Monday , or in all the other discussions that I have attended in the past two years , it had been a question of majority vote , there would have been much less agreement , and to the extent that decisions had been imposed by a majority , they would have been much less effective .
5 Can it really have been much more than an up-market doss-house ?
6 It would have been much more fun , do n't you think , if they 'd dressed as housewives .
7 She said : " I felt at an earlier stage there were enough moderate Africans who could have taken their place alongside whites in government and there would have been much more evolution towards African leadership than the revolution that came about in the end .
8 Do n't forget , I have lived here three months , and although I know the family to be close-fisted there can not have been much more than that . ’
9 The Belfry PGA officials say profit from the match is around £800,000 although they admit this could have been much more if they had allowed in a greater volume of spectators for this , the first ever all-ticket clash .
10 Perhaps his initial success should n't have been all that surprising for he comes of good rugby stock .
11 There 's a sort of cosy sentimental glow coming over everyone who 's talking about , it ca n't have been all that wonderful , all the time somehow !
12 Must have been all those flowers .
13 Frankly , I do not believe that there should have been all this talk about a little bit of majority voting on foreign policy .
14 But by then he had taken refuge in the church , and the service must have been little more than a conversation between him and old MacDiarmid , because not another soul had dared to run the gauntlet and go inside when the clock struck three .
15 Betrayers of the Truth might have been little more than a scientific rogues ' gallery and , as such , an entertaining if disillusioning read .
16 Sometimes , it is true , they must have been little more than what Marc Bloch described as ‘ l'endroit où on passe ’ ; but one may presume that efforts were made to drain long-distance roads and keep them clear of obstruction ; and kings and princes in several countries regarded the main roads as their roads .
17 McIllvanney had offered to let her stay on board Wavebreaker , so long as the boat 's air conditioners were disconnected , but his offer was not as generous as it seemed for Ellen would have been little more than an unpaid security guard and also subject to Bellybutton 's endlessly tedious suggestions , and she far preferred her small hot room in the busy crowded apartment block that smelt of cooking all day and marijuana all night .
18 Leibniz would have been little more than an impressionable fool in Kant 's eyes had the caterpillar that he treated with such consideration been a mere thing .
19 If so , the timber structure need have been little more than the simplest type of tailor 's dummy .
20 In this it may have been little more than a mouthpiece for a Russian directorate but in an article , which , says Sacks , amounted to a reading of the riot act to the ICP , one finds this clear and unmistakable instruction in the French journal Cahiers du Boishévisme :
21 And doubtless there would have been many more had it not been for that unfortunate accident which befell Mr Rabbit in Mr MacGregor 's garden whereby he ended up in one of Mrs MacGregor 's rabbit pies .
22 Although only a few churches were listed in Domesday Book for Sussex , there must have been many more and the growth of towns and Wealden colonisation saw the establishment of a fixed parish system by the early thirteenth century .
23 ‘ But for the intrusion of editorial conscience there would have been many more , ’ he wrote in the preface .
24 To sustain carnivores , there must have been many more herbivores ; but the idea that two of each kind were created somewhere and slowly spread and multiplied would not go with real population dynamics .
25 In fact it might well have been that such developments generally attracted more labour than could be fully employed , which departed once the enterprise was terminated , leaving behind a sleepy farming community not unlike the fifteen undeveloped villages of Babergh hundred ( Table 2.18 ) .
26 Krankoor must almost certainly have been another such .
27 There can have been few more painful moments in Melvyn Bragg 's professional life than when he sat in the audience of a public performance where Barry Humphries , in the guise of Edna Everage , asked if anyone had read any of Bragg 's novels and nobody raised their hand .
28 It is therefore slightly ironic that it should have been this same Meistersinger which now finally stirred his feelings to the point where any " healthy " critical stance became impossible .
29 So would she really have been any less affected if it had happened to her now , at the age of twenty-five ?
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