Example sentences of "have [verb] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Huy wondered whether that eldest daughter , who worked as Reni 's secretary , had helped him destroy the documents he drew up during Akhenaten 's reign , which would have given such priceless ammunition to his enemies , before turning his attention to the newcomers .
2 Alfonso was rumoured to have said , ‘ If I had been present at the Creation , I would have given some useful hints for the better arrangement of the Universe . ’
3 But , then , he could not have foreseen such terrible days as these , when ‘ the contemplation of futurity ’ inspired only fear and dread .
4 Farmers who engage in activities other than those listed will have to treat those other activities as separate businesses from their flat rate farming activities .
5 Two unspoken reasons could have explained this apparent lack of adequate precautions .
6 What , she wondered , could have provoked such uncharacteristic behaviour ?
7 Enterprising landowners may have developed such valuable assets and erected health resorts similar to establishments of recent centuries .
8 It 's the I not , I mean he should have grouted that little bit and he should n't have put
9 Lutton , reasonably happy with his performance in last weekend 's Irish trials in Dublin , accepts he may have to wait that little bit longer to gain Irish recognition .
10 About 60 p.c. will be A bonds , so investors expecting redemption in 1994 may have to wait several extra years for full repayment : holders are likely to seek higher interest rates as compensation .
11 Fans of Mr Fox hope they do n't have to wait another twebty years to see him here again .
12 Of a sudden Lexandro 's free hand gripped Valence 's wrist with a power which would have crushed any ordinary bones .
13 In Bank of Baroda v. Shah there was no relationship between sureties and debtor , at least none known to the creditor , that would have justified any special protection .
14 ‘ Oh , Fergus , ’ said Dierdriu softly , ‘ you will have to curb that rebellious arrogance if ever you are truly to serve Ireland . ’
15 ‘ Do you have to wear that bloody garment in the house ?
16 Did you have to wear any other sort of special clothing ?
17 In this environment it is perhaps surprising that the early factories should have received such hostile criticism .
18 In this envelope you will have received some important and valuable information regarding the community charge .
19 She was already counting the minutes until she 'd march out the front door of the Palazzo Sabatini , secure in the knowledge that she 'd never again have to see that self-satisfied , patrician face .
20 This is going to be a year when we will all have to go that extra mile for children .
21 The award will be based on continual assessments of skills and competence so staff will not have to sit any written exams .
22 Anti-pollution equipment would be based at strategic locations around the world ; mutual assistance was promised to cope with an accident ; masters of vessels would have to report all major pollutant leakages ; and ship owners would have to meet clean-up costs .
23 Any plotters would have to mount little short of a full-scale coup , involving probably the army and certainly the KGB .
24 Then , when an idea about making miners in pits work up to 48 hours comes along , the Government , with all their hypocrisy , say , ’ Oh , yes , we shall have to implement that Common Market directive — in order to make the miners work longer . ’
25 Normally , I would have withdrawn all future leave for some considerable time , but under the circumstances , such action is impossible .
26 L trials are usually more difficult to organize the teacher may have to plan some considerable way ahead before you can observe lessons where he has used the program several times before .
27 If Britain was to farm without the benefit of subsidies it would clearly have to enjoy some significant advantages — and before advocating radical policies the industry would have to be in a position to answer ‘ yes ’ to a number of harsh economic questions .
28 Announcing its decision , the Department of Environment said it had responded to three main criticisms : i ) the register would have listed all potential , not necessarily actual , contaminated sites , since it included all locations where specified industries had been sited ; ii ) sites would not be removed from the register , even if after clean-up ; iii ) there was no specific provision for determining who should bear the liability , and the costs , of the clean-up .
29 ‘ We 'll have to suffer that Irish wit all week , ’ he moaned .
30 Doctors could buy the much needed equipment , they would n't have to work such long hours , there would be no need to close down wards , aye or even hospitals .
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