Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 ‘ 'You 're to go at the beginning of January , but I shall have to wait till all this house business is finished .
2 But he does not have to cope with all of this all at once .
3 ‘ You and Sarah 'll have to see to all t'stock , as well as t'poultry and dairywork .
4 My elder brother , one of the last O-level year , pretends to sneer at my GCSE passes , but I 'm glad we did n't have to go through all the cramming and regurgitation of the old exams .
5 Do we have to go through all that again ! ’
6 Why does he have to go through all this Sturm und Drang ? ’
7 You 'll have to go through all the Bs
8 ‘ You do n't really have to go to all that trouble .
9 There was one good Carling Black Label ad — where a guy walks into a bar and asks for a pint of Carling Black Label and they say , ‘ I bet he drinks Carling Black Label ’ — but we did n't have to sit through all the others just to see that .
10 I 've got it timed so that I arrive just before your French maid number , so I do n't have to sit through all the rest of it .
11 If you were to try to see a top specimen of every breed at Crufts you would have to attend on all four days and walk a good couple of miles !
12 ‘ Which means we do n't have to work at all , ’ Aidan said cheerfully .
13 You do n't have to work at all . "
14 As he explained : ‘ It was not a play that should have toured at all .
15 In fact , the clothes Yuri had worn to our shoot — an American jacket and trousers with a grey shirt and fur-lined black trainers — would n't have looked at all of place on the dance floor of Stringfellows , but Yuri was after a smoother image .
16 ‘ She must have forgotten in all the excitement . ’
17 She wished more than anything that she could say yes , or at least explain that if it had been left to her she would have come with all the will in the world , but there was her mother .
18 As Gandalf points out , all Sauron and Saruman and the orcs have done between them is ‘ bring Pippin and Merry with marvellous speed , and in the nick of time , to Fangorn , where otherwise they would never have come at all ! ’ — and so , one might say , though it is beyond Gandalf 's knowledge at the time , to rouse the Ents , overthrow Saruman , save Rohan , and free Théoden to make his decisive intervention at Minas Tirith .
19 ‘ Or perhaps I should n't have come at all .
20 ‘ We should not have come at all . ’
21 ‘ You mean if he had not to come to her for money , he would not have come at all ? ’
22 When we got there the street was crowded with people who must have come from all parts of the City .
23 The most popular British cult object , however , has no wheels and would not have moved at all if it was not for British Telecom .
24 Do n't shout too loud because you get somebody 'll have to listen to all this .
25 ‘ How much longer do I have to listen to all of this crap ?
26 Yeah , we could have done without all this bloody hassle down there .
27 It was here in Caesarea that Peter had his memorable lesson not to call any man ‘ unclean ’ — which , as a Jew , he would instinctively have done to all Gentiles .
28 Had he been an ordinary shop assistant it would not have done at all .
29 ELL , I 've had a happy life ’ — as Hazlitt may not have said after all , in which case bang goes the cheeriest of all the Famous Last Words .
30 She had n't really imagined she 'd have to talk at all , she realised — had hoped and assumed he 'd simply sweep her into his arms .
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