Example sentences of "have [verb] [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The Leader of the House is here and will have heard what has been said .
2 I 've been saying to her well you 'll have to wait she 's been saying her feet hurt , right ?
3 He must have realised he has a tail … ’
4 Had we taken their advice the nurses would never have received what has proved for them their biggest breakthrough since the war .
5 So I 'll have to see what goes .
6 erm We 'll just have to see what goes now this week , but erm I 'm pleased with Foyly .
7 But Pipe said : ‘ The Gold Cup is a long way away and we 'll just have to see what happens in the meantime . ’
8 That 's why we 'll have to see what happens , ’ said Floy .
9 I shall have to see what happens . ’
10 ‘ I 'm aware of my name being mentioned again as an England candidate , which is nice , but we 'll just have to see what happens , ’ he said .
11 ‘ I 'm aware of my name being mentioned again as an England candidate , which is nice , but we 'll just have to see what happens .
12 We shall have to see what happens . ’
13 They get you over the weekend yeah , so erm , we 'll just have to see what happens and have , just have the contracts out .
14 Well we 'll have to see what happens at Christmas .
15 We 'll have to see what develops .
16 We 'll have to see it pays off .
17 And then he will have to go he does n't have to go to London every day any more I we shall go here with with erm Philip and so on .
18 If I 'm going to be a real actress I 'll have to know what makes people tick .
19 To explain it better I should have done what adds up to thirty six then up to three hundred and sixty should n't I ?
20 Should have done he 's just overtaken him .
21 The teacher ideally would already have decided which issues to study .
22 The reasons he feels uneasy at the task he 's given himself , of pamphleteering , are first that he 's not he 's had to interrupt his studies and is not get learned enough for his poem , though you will have noticed he considers himself quite learned enough for ecclesiastical politics .
23 we may have to do what 's called a glucose tolerance test .
24 Mr. Speaker : I am sure that the Leader of the House has listened carefully and will have noted what has been said on this important matter .
25 The Secretary of State will have to consider what steps to take to overcome it .
26 What you do is , you look at the environment and consider like the inputs and then you look at behaviour as outputs and you learn the relationship between the two and you do n't neces you do n't have to understand what goes on inside .
27 The defensive manoeuvre behind it is something like this : if I do n't acknowledge that this thing has happened then I do n't have to believe it is true ; I wo n't have to understand what has occurred if I hold off from consciously realizing that it has happened .
28 We 'll have to watch she does n't do too much . ’
29 Well I mean she must have left he keys at home .
30 Mr. Bill Walker : The Hon. Gentleman must have studied what has happened in the company referred to , so he will know that it has used the assets to buy new buses .
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