Example sentences of "her [adv] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She handed him the tube , being fairly and correctly sure he would not ask her outright to rub it in for him .
2 People I had n't yet identified beckoned her eagerly to join them , which she did with the ravishing smile she had loosed once or twice in my direction .
3 He allowed her gently to propel him towards the sitting room , all the while murmuring , ‘ Always puzzled me … always puzzled me . ’
4 Roman put his hands on her shoulders and turned her gently to face him .
5 His hands were on her shoulders , turning her gently to face him .
6 It did n't take her long to decide she had precisely two choices — well , one , really , because even though it was n't cold it would look wrong to go out in thin cotton to the sort of party he was talking about .
7 I imagine it would n't have taken her long to captivate you .
8 The thought sobered her enough to allow him to urge her onwards .
9 But he disliked her enough to postpone it .
10 That fact had aroused her enough to make her display her feminine assets to best advantage .
11 He drew her down to kiss her .
12 ‘ I mentioned to the master that Adèle wanted to be introduced to the ladies , and he asked you to bring her down to meet them this evening . ’
13 the first night sh we run her down to meet him right , me and him , I said oh go on Donna , said he 's a nice bloke , he 's not nice looking in fact he 's nothing , you know , nice looking at all but he 's a nice bloke , he got a , you know , bit of money and all that .
14 I rushed her over to see him as soon as I could but he was still drugged up after the operation . ’
15 She spoke with Lord Furness for a few minutes , and then Lady Furness brought her over to see me .
16 Jay had asked her over to show her off to her four oldest friends .
17 He took her through to show her the four-roomed suite that was his private living space within Liston Hall .
18 Greimas maps onto his diagram Propp 's basic narrative chiasmus : traitor ravishes king 's daughter and transfers her elsewhere to hide her , hero finds somewhere king 's daughter and gives her back to her parents .
19 She was n't mean about it , she was very grateful to have someone to talk to and I used to try to spend a lot of time with her just to cheer her up — you know , walk the dog with her and go shopping — just do all the things that would help .
20 They begged her not to take it so much to heart and pleaded with Ken to regard it all as a joke not to be treated seriously .
21 I told her not to turn it
22 I 'd long since given up trying to get her not to call me that .
23 John told Anne that this was embarkation leave and he would soon be going to France but warned her not to mention it to anyone .
24 In the end , I urged her not to do it . ’
25 How many times had I told her not to do it ? — to wait .
26 In fact the first thing I did was ring my 35-year-old daughter who has been a ‘ fitness freak ’ ever since Jane Fonda took to jumping about our TV screens and warned her not to overdo it if she intended to buy the tape — which I am certain she does .
27 He , previously so detached , was now begging her not to leave him .
28 The look he gave her decided her not to press him .
29 He asked her not to remember him as a bad man but as someone who had made a mistake .
30 Linda Baughan , Donald 's sister-in-law , said he was still in love with his wife and had begged her not to divorce him .
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