Example sentences of "her [adv] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 When Jenny learned next day about Brownies from the tall lady , whose name was Miss Clinton and who was a District Commissioner in the south of England , made her long to be one .
2 Not tightly enough to restrict the blood flow , but sufficient to make her long to be able to stretch .
3 And they despised her for it , some of them , and they feared her for it , most of them ; but she did not care , so long as they paid her enough to be drunk on until the need to kill was irresistible again .
4 She wants to bring her along to be mated with Cedric . "
5 Similarly the wife of a Yorkshire brassworker could never forgive her parents for handing her over to be brought up by her retired grandparents , who had come to live nearby after their glassworks business had failed .
6 With usual confidence , I told her not to be ridiculous , the possibility was infinitesimal — and not very big either ! )
7 But even Ricky telling her not to be bloody silly could n't douse her sudden euphoria at the sight of the BA stickers being stamped on their luggage .
8 ‘ Jo asked if she could go out and I just told her not to be late , ’ she said .
9 Mary had told her not to be a fool , to come to her house and get a decent night 's sleep .
10 While he sang to the girl the Don wants to come to her window , calling her his treasure , asking her not to be cruel , at least to let him see her , he looked at Alice , turned his face away from the audience who had gathered and looked at her .
11 Adam had laughed and told her not to be dramatic .
12 Her mother thought it was better for her not to be at home as there was not much space , so the following week they saw the social worker and it was arranged that she go to a house run by the Catholic anti-abortion organisation LIFE .
13 When Lydia had marvelled to Betty about the horror of Elizabeth 's existence , Betty had told her not to be so silly .
14 He spoke , telling her not to be worried , telling her to go to Tunney , telling her to make a difference .
15 He told her not to be silly . "
16 He was too intensely masculine , too overwhelmingly vital for her not to be aware of him .
17 I would imagine , in my mind , that something 's gon na happen to my sisters for her not to be able to see it .
18 Mr Boldwood is sending a cart to bring her back to be buried here . ’
19 Mrs Bauwens claimed the story made her out to be a ‘ social leper ’ not fit to be seen with a Government Minister .
20 ‘ You 're making her out to be a bit heartless , ’ Harry protested awkwardly .
21 ‘ I never made her out to be the Lady of the Camellias , ’ protested Hilary .
22 He was making her out to be a two-faced liar .
23 You can see it 's , it 's quite short actually , and I do n't , I mean , she was n't that small , because you can tell by the , the rest of the , the size of the bodice and the length of the arms that she was n't as small as this dress would make her out to be .
24 But what Miss Blagden had sought her out for was not only to ask after her welfare or bring news from Lucca but to offer her two lady-boarders for three months .
25 Bina who never dreamed — Bina whose moods they all dismissed as ‘ adolescence ’ — Bina who they 'd trained not to let on what she really felt , who did n't even know what she did feel — that same Bina had a dream each night , and she wrote down every single word of it so that it would tell her how to be different , be real , really be .
26 ‘ Why are n't you with her instead of being with me ? ’
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