Example sentences of "her [conj] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 During a jazzy quartet for the women , the company 's shambling clown is dangerously over-excited by one dancer 's leggy prowess , attempting to nuzzle up against her or to initiate a wildly mismatched pas de deux .
2 Certainly the actress seemed friendly enough , her perfectly carved mouth curving into a smile as she nodded amiably ; yet there was something about her that sent a warning tingle up Shannon 's spine .
3 There was something about the expression on his face as he unclipped his seatbelt and turned towards her that made a sudden flurry of alarm run through her , and she backed as far away as the close confines of the car would allow .
4 She looked at him but made no reply ; then she went out escorted , one on each side , by the two men , and neither of them spoke to her nor exchanged a word with each other until they were crossing the main road , when seemingly out of nowhere stepped a policeman , and they all came to a halt .
5 She glanced at her brother sitting beside her and managed a weak , nervous smile .
6 I do , ’ Caroline admitted , holding the warm little body against her and experiencing a faint , inexplicable pang at the other girl 's words .
7 Sams has pleaded guilty to kidnapping Stephanie , unlawfully imprisoning her and demanding a £175,000 ransom .
8 Sams , 51 , of Barrel Hill Road , Sutton-on-Trent , Nottinghamshire , has admitted kidnapping Birmingham estate agent Stephanie Slater , unlawfully imprisoning her and demanding a £175,000 ransom with menaces .
9 Sams , 51 , of Barrel Hill Road , Sutton-on-Trent , Nottinghamshire , has admitted kidnapping Birmingham estate agent Stephanie Slater , unlawfully imprisoning her and demanding a £175,000 ransom with menaces from her then employers .
10 But any hope he might have had of sliding his arm round her and trying a tentative first kiss on the drive home was scotched when she fell asleep the moment she got into the car .
11 She sipped her tea thoughtfully , staring in front of her and frowning a little .
12 He came to her and placed a hand beneath her elbow .
13 Her frightened cry was smothered by yet another explosion that shook the stones next to her and sent a dozen small creatures streaming out of the dark corners and across the floor , their high-pitched squeaks audible even above the shattering reverberations assaulting her ears .
14 Artemis saw her father turn his horse towards her and raise a hand .
15 He looked at her and saw a stranger , who had never been anything else .
16 Then she looked behind her and saw a carriage coming up the same hill that she had just climbed , with a man leading the horse .
17 Unaware of the news which had spread swiftly throughout the city , Wilson returned to the Casa Guidi late in the evening , not really thinking to see Mrs Browning again but wishing to enquire after her and to take a knead cake she had made specially .
18 And she becomes rather alarmed to discover the previous occupant of her room bore an uncanny resemblance to her and had a penchant for bungee jumping without a rope .
19 er and keep her company cos he was at work and the kids were in bed , and she says I went over and sat with her and had a cup of coffee and a smoke and I sat with her , you know , till she was ready for bed .
20 has been quite ill recently so all at Greens wish her all good health and for her and to enjoy a long and happy retirement .
21 The girl has told officers her attacker was taller than her and wore a ski mask .
22 He made a mental note to call her and arrange a time to meet , away from her parents .
23 When she had written to Mark Heathwood and to George Wilson , asking whether he had managed to find out whether Raffaella had any chance of getting permission to live in England , Julia pulled a new sheet of writing paper towards her and wrote a chatty , cheerful letter to her mother .
24 An old man shuttled after her and hooked a horticultural implement of a hand around her arm .
25 Sarah passed the child to her and took a deep drink of her tea .
26 Satisfied that her friend was happy , Sarah sat opposite her and took a quarter bottle of Black and White whisky from the mantelpiece .
27 Syl 's mother was highly displeased to see her and made a great to-do of fetching an extra cup , saucer and plate , worrying aloud that there would n't be enough for three of us to eat .
28 She wants to go back to her own people with her savings and what we have given her and cut a bit of a figure .
29 He kissed her and pressed a list of phone numbers and dates and times into her hand .
30 One of the men spotted her and emitted a stagy wolf-whistle .
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