Example sentences of "her [subord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It did n't concern her where they came from , Marylebone or Mars , And by now she did n't care what shape they came in either , old , young , fat , thin , black , white , brown , whole or damaged .
2 She had liked my novel , The Last Enchantments ; in some way ( the expression is hackneyed , but I can find none better ) it had touched her where she lived .
3 He found her where she clung to a rope that was curled up in a corner of the iron ship and picked her up and carried her through a secret tunnel down through the floor of the ship , down through the underwater creatures , deep into the earth beneath the swirling sea .
4 She knew nothing of the future other than that it was an inhospitable fog that no-one had any choice but to enter , but she was certain that there was a scene all laid-out and waiting for her where she brought in the name of the man — or woman — who 'd first talked to Chrissie and then run her down .
5 She called out ‘ Come in , of course , Nathan , ’ and the young man entered , holding a bunch of flowers which he presented to her where she lay in bed .
6 I dropped the axe , wiped my temples and joined her where she held the incandescent bung away from her skin .
7 He was holding her there without duress , pinning her where she sat by the sheer magnetism of his physical presence .
8 Unsmiling , his light blue eyes commanded her attention , mesmerising her where she stood .
9 He pulled a handful of gold and silver chains from his sporran , tossing them beside her where she crouched .
10 He had been accused early on in the play by Agydeus that he was too barbaric to offer Zenocrate any amorous discourse , yet he manages to produce a lovely speech for her where he talks about he stunning beauty and his love for her : ‘ Zenocrate , the loveliest maid alive … whose eyes are brighter than the lamps of heaven … that with thy looks canst clear the darkened sky ’ .
11 His mouth was open and drooling and his tongue lolling between his lips and his eyes staring as if he did n't see her and everything about him red , and his hands bruised her skin where he tugged at her to move her where he wanted her , and he was making awful noises and pushing at her and pushing at her without the slightest gentleness almost as if he did n't realise it was her .
12 Jilly Jonathan was pale but had calmed down after the bout of hysterical weeping that had overcome her once they had got her to the hotel .
13 He would n't want anything to do with her once they caught up with the missing pair .
14 Perhaps he ceased to be useful to her once she 'd had some success in England — I do n't know .
15 She considered taking off all her clothes and diving into the pool , but rejected the option instantly ; he 'd never want to fuck her once he 'd seen her naked in full sunlight .
16 From what she said , the twins ’ father had deserted her once he knew she was pregnant .
17 No sooner do they see a beauty and fix their hearts upon her than they see another still more beautiful , and the first one no longer appeals to them .
18 He was no stranger now and leaving him was hard , more bitter to her than anything had ever been .
19 Rachel was kinder and gentler towards her than she had ever been before ; but she also required Phoebe to take responsibility for the baby , to be a good mother , to take heed for the morrow .
20 With a sense of shock Harriet realised that in the last hours Paula had become more of a stranger to her than she had ever been during the twenty years she had believed her dead .
21 With Gary she enjoyed a relationship she had never experienced with anyone else — the easy-going friendship of a male who made no demands whatever on her — and it meant more to her than she had realised .
22 Although she had expressed doubts about Ursula 's interpretation of the police 's conduct , it had rung truer to her than she had cared to admit .
23 He had tutted and twitched and tweaked , then proceeded to do more for her than she had thought possible .
24 They had stayed talking very late last night , and he knew a lot more about her than she had ever expected to tell anyone , while she knew something about him .
25 THE Queen has always liked Fergie and gets on much better with her than she does with her other daughter-in-law , Princess Diana .
26 But as she frowned more and more , and did not turn a page , I assumed that the gipsy 's words were more important to her than she wanted us to think .
27 You said in your last letter that you were just friendly with Cora-Beth but you do n't ever write about any other girls , so I do wonder if you are n't more fond of her than you let on .
28 ‘ At any rate , ’ he said , ‘ you felt less warmly towards her than you had done . ’
29 You 're more involved with her than you want to let on , are n't you ? ’
30 I might have felt a little downcast at that point , only the evening had made me feel more encouraged about my prospects with her than I 'd felt for some time .
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