Example sentences of "because he be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No I am grateful to Mr because he 's finally crystallised in my mind something that 's been bugging me the longer I stay on this council about exactly what the Tories see their role here as and it 's now very clear to me , more than ever and that is that if you want to be obstructive and negative and if you go on long enough being obstructive and negative what you can end up doing is that you 'll find yourself eventually in a position going on long enough that you can make totally meaningless speeches but at least you 'll get nice headlines in the paper and that seems to me the whole essence of the Tory strategy .
2 The other thing I would say is this that the management , whilst they very rarely agree with what Eric has got to say I 've never met a member of management at any level , at any level that does n't respect what he 's got to say and that 's a tremendous , er psychological blow before they even get round the table , because he 's completely disarming and his record in terms as vic er for , of victories , for individual members and groups of mem er , members , er , is legendary and I think apart from his ability it 's the respect in which he 's held by , by everybody , by everybody .
3 His legs are so long that when the rear tyre breaks away he can pick the bike up so quickly because he 's already on it .
4 " You ca n't see Andrew Stavanger , because he 's away at the moment .
5 Perhaps the Frank Slade role is a sign that Pacino is looking for something to stretch him , because he 's also about to embark on another slightly unusual project .
6 ‘ Dean 's like that , but he also a bit different to the majority of strikers because he 's also a grafter . ’
7 He 's been nicknamed the M25 robber because he 's also thought to be responsible for up to 20 armed raids near the M25 around London .
8 Is it because he 's just a mechanic ?
9 Because he 's just it 's sort of a pain in the backside !
10 But the thing is you know that 's one thing , I ca n't bear people like that because he 's just
11 He 's , he 's funny but it 's not , cos if Ryan 's , he 's not going to get anywhere , because he 's just a little shit , basically .
12 But he 's not allowed into the Labour Party because he 's not a union member .
13 The Scottish international has been dropped because he 's not in the right frame of mind .
14 ‘ Lewis can make a lot of money from it because he 's not yet a big enough name in the States .
15 I can tell him things because he 's not involved , as you and Adams are . ’
16 I spent my whole childhood — from the age of about seven until the day I got my record contract — having rows with my parents … specifically my father , because he 's not very musical , to put it mildly .
17 I resisted the urge to retort with his curtness , ‘ Because he 's not sleepy ’ , and gave all the medical reasons I could think of .
18 The pressure wo n't bother him because he 's not a nervous type , and with his pace and aggression he 'd trouble the best batsman in the world .
19 I think , I 'd like to just take up the point about secrecy because I am involved in talking to couples where the , there is a basic problem of male infertility where th the husband of the couple , or the partner of the couple is unable to father a child because he 's not producing any sperm , or not producing enough sperm and that couple come to us for help and advice
20 ‘ Just because he 's not frivolous and making jokes every five minutes does n't make him boring ! ’
21 erm the managerial action which is available for you , t to take him out of there and put him into a different post , because he 's not capable of doing .
22 " He would n't be , because he 's not officially missing .
23 because he 's not using his time well .
24 Because he 's not in love with you ? ’
25 Because he 's not the sort of man you can bully … ’
26 Sometimes it terrifies me because he 's not really mine and sometimes it does n't seem to matter . ’
27 I ca n't worry my husband because he 's not well and I do n't want him to think I 'd make any difference .
28 No he 's not saying that , he 's not going that far because he 's not talking about all religions .
29 Well , it is unnatural because he 's not like an ordinary father at all .
30 No , because he 's not actually admitting anything .
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