Example sentences of "because it [be] just " in BNC.

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1 Eddie Bleasdale , managing director of Bleasdale Computer Systems , sums up : ‘ We never want to become a big company because it is just not our scene .
2 It is a waste of everyone 's time because it is just a case of sour grapes as we were losing .
3 And because it is just one in a hundred , that one is going to be different in one way or another , or he or she would not bother to buy .
4 One explained : ‘ I have to be careful about what I say publicly because it is just not acceptable to be seen adding to the depression . ’
5 You try to defy death all the time when you 've had a Catholic upbringing , because it 's just so awful .
6 It 's terrible if you take a lot of it because it 's just bad for your personality — not for your health , except for the fact that you get thin .
7 The thing about the solo is that it should really be a chance for the guitar to take over from the vocalist and really hit you in the heart like vocals can , and I 'm sorry but these heavy metal solos can never really hit you because it 's just music by numbers . ’
8 Is this because it 's just old-fashioned ?
9 There 's really no excuse because it 's just round the corner .
10 There 's a much , much larger range of great designer clothes over here because it 's just a bigger population .
11 But then I get there and I ca n't because it 's just not me ’ , says Jo , grinning ruefully .
12 about it now because it 's just as easy really .
13 Erm so they just kind of stay put and so the dialects thrive because it 's just such a physical It 's in physical and social isolation .
14 ‘ Because — because it 's just so unfair .
15 Because it 's just a matter of selling them .
16 I 'm I 'm pleased it 's flavour of the month because it 's just going to show you all when w when you listen to his words .
17 When you get angry you pump all sorts of different chemicals around your body and they do n't do your body any good that 's for sure , you know you get the adrenalin that starts making everything well making the blood move faster heart beat faster you get other chemicals ready and if those chemicals are n't used properly or if something does n't happen and it uses those particular chemicals and they 're left inside the body then that causes eventually physical illness in some sort of physical wearing of some sort or another , so gradually just the opposite of this where you 're you 're not internalising your throwing it out , but there 's a hell of a lot in there that 's been stored up there and bottled up there before it throws out , and when you do tend to be aggressive it 's not because you 're being aggressive on purpose it 's because it 's just something that just happens and wells up when you get to a particular point and whoosh out it comes .
18 Most bakers can only offer a dozen or so cakes because it 's just a small part of their business .
19 Erm , and it 's by appointment , because it 's just a lot easier ,
20 Er , because it 's just , you know , my time is very valuable .
21 Yeah because it 's just I feel I 'm missing a page , I 've got two of the same page
22 How these people go week after week after week looking for bargain I mean Chris I mean we picked up some bargains today but how you can go week I mean it 's okay yes but when you 're Christmas shopping you ca n't go for because it 's just
23 Because it 's just so I mean that C and A is so busy all the it gets it gets so claustrophobic .
24 No because it 's just oh no you 'll get them all cold .
25 At our depot , because it 's just the way , just the way we are up north .
26 And you do n't really learn that much because it 's just a matter of get to the top , and put your skis facing down , and
27 Not because we thought it was great but because it was just so infectious .
28 It was rather special , and perhaps I should n't mention it … because it was just one of those wartime things .
29 From the wave point of view this is hardly a surprise , because it was just they component of the oscillation which got through .
30 Once someone in the crew told my boyfriend that a love scene I 'd done with Craig really sizzled — and I could have kicked her because it was just a scene , it was n't real . ’
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