Example sentences of "because they [be] be " in BNC.

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1 Erm even tapestries like the Devonshire hunting tapestry which you may have seen at the V and A. Er the tops look as if they 're been eaten by mice because they 're been so often snagged onto tenterhooks and moved and moved round and onto other tenterhooks , they just do n't seem to have had the same view of this kind of thing as we do .
2 Can I jump from this , they 're all interconnected , over to question of magistrates , one of the questions in the notes , really , it points out that there are about , not quite , but er , about two third of magistrates are men , and about a third women , erm , is there , is that because of history , and shall , because they 're are more women than men , I mean logically , because there are more women than men in the community , there should be more women magistrates than men , should n't there , on the on the basis of presentation , I take it that , I do n't know the figures , but I take it that er , more and more women now are er , being , accepting , the called , of course , to be magistrate , you did n't have any choice once , do you in a way .
3 ‘ It 's certainly true that if people suggest they will go to the appeal procedure then we will do almost everything we can to avoid that , which means in some cases we 're letting people get away with something that you would n't let others get away with , simply because they 're being difficult — well , not being difficult , they would be just exercising their rights . ’
4 Y Care caught my imagination because they 're being so positive .
5 If your bugs get sick a possibility is they 're gon na get sick because they 're being attacked by one of these things , and it 's a virus , terribly small of course .
6 Because they 're being supported by .
7 Pub landlords say they face bankruptcy because they 're being fined thousands of pounds by their brewery for failing to meet sales targets .
8 If this is the case , it implies that some at least of the feedback systems maintaining human wellbeing may be in difficulties simply because they are being called upon to function near the limits of their capacity .
9 The Zionist Federation condemned Damiani , Abu Khadra , Mrs Zamzam and Mrs Boulos as ‘ victims of their own aggression ’ who had ‘ remained refugees because they are being used as an instrument of the destruction of the State of Israel . ’
10 Animals have to be cared for because they are important in the world , not just because they are being driven to extinction .
11 Many wild animals , such as rare parrots , are rare because they are being taken and used as pets .
12 As you suspect your plant are probably disappearing because they are being eaten by your fish ( Platy 's , Clown Loach ) .
13 ‘ Well , you would expect the majority of modules to be certificated successfully because they are being run by professional staff in centres which have been validated — in other words the centre 's resources , staff and support systems have been found to be adequate to run each module .
14 Instead of all this fake indignation , when will he own up to the fact that most of the local authorities , including my own of Knowsley , have empty properties because they are being held for improvement under schemes in which the Government are involved after 13 years in which they have neglected to fund local authority and other housing stock ?
15 I hope I 've been given I hope I be the temporary staff but , those homes are being refurbished , there are no vacant beds in those homes because they are being refurbished .
16 no they just like , think that it looks good because they are being seen to go to church
17 Due to a limited response to their invitation , the steering committee felt frustrated because they were being thwarted by the very establishments that were meant to help prepare our youth for tomorrow to spread the ‘ Word ’ .
18 By a sort of transposed assumption based on post-war experience Acheson had told the National War College in December 1947 that for Greeks , Italians and others it had not been a free choice whether they accepted or rejected communism : because they were being coerced either by an internal organization financed by other countries or by external pressure to adopt a system of government which had the inescapable consequence of inclusion in the system of Russian power .
19 It seemed to be some kind of ferry , because they were being poled across from one side of the canal to the other — while they remained standing , like people on a packed London bus .
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