Example sentences of "because they [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Kestrels are popular with audiences at lectures , because they 're elegant little birds and also because , of all the British birds of prey , they 're the ones people are most likely to spot in the wild : they hover over motorways and are even seen in towns these days .
2 And because they 're temporary , you can go blonde whenever you want .
3 I mean we 're doing it because they 're cheap .
4 But they 'll survive because they 're cheap to feed .
5 He says that they need the cafes because they 're cheap , but they 're not a safety hazard .
6 Ladas are prized in Jamaica because they 're cheap .
7 Lifelong Swindon Town football fans have been told they 'll miss one of the biggest games in the club 's history — because they 're disabled .
8 But that 's because , because they 're stupid !
9 Toby because they 're late they 'll have to miss the video .
10 More so on schools because they 're closed for
11 Thanks to this act , Churchward was able to tell the world that Mu sank into the chilly waters of the Pacific 12,000 years ago , that almost all of its 64 million inhabitants perished , that a few survived on Pacific islands , that these survivors gave birth to Homo sapiens , that white people are nicer than black because they 're closer to the original folk of Mu , and all the other nonsense you might expect .
12 ‘ WE 'LL GET STUFFED if we try and play the game by their rules , because they 're better at it than us .
13 That 's right you have to keep it away from the face because they 're dangerous are n't they ?
14 Well they do it because they 're lazy .
15 Teachers are seen in a more positive light , ‘ because they 're nice to us — because they 're learning us ’ .
16 Falls partly because it 's shutting down the ends of the arteries , the arteries themselves can actually contract because they 're muscular walled , yes , the arteries can contract and that tends to shut down and reduce the pressure slightly in that area , right and also the body itself is gon na divert that blood is n't it to the core of the body taking it away from other areas , damaged areas , so how can we help to reduce the pressure any more ?
17 They 're good but it 's just because they 're rough .
18 Erm y'know that that sort of thing when they when they y'know when they might be , when they feel when they feel that some some other bloke 's making an approach to them , when they feel that er y'know erm somebody finds them attractive , when they think that some other bloke has made a pass at them or something like that y'know they sort of react in a hostile way but y'know there 's that suspicion that mm er y'know kind of er it 's because they 're insecure about their masculinity , it 's because they feel threatened or something like that .
19 I have n't had to in my this current house because they 're sealed units and I I bought the house new so .
20 whether they send people on a course , whether they send people on a course because they 're long term unemployed and having finished the course then do n't get a job but they are no longer long term unemployed .
21 It 's because they 're bored .
22 They are only brown outside because they 're printed .
23 ‘ It 's not because they 're communist , ’ he says .
24 Because they 're ignorant .
25 And because — because they 're private . ’
26 As so claims that was a rather naff comment actually , I ca n't imagine that , well I can imagine other people wearing big earrings because they 're super confident .
27 It 's because they 're all so silly . ’
28 Looking back , every solo on ‘ Rust In Peace ’ would 've needed another three or four hours ' more work to have satisfied Max , because they 're all in and out of time .
29 It 's pointless attempting to pick out individual songs because they 're all brutally reduced to one-dimensional , rudimentary stompalongs that quickly become brain-numbing and tiresome .
30 ‘ It was an incredible experience , because they 're all really sharing people .
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