Example sentences of "because it [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was no way we could put TI money into the company , we could n't justify doing that to the shareholders because it looked to us as though BA was going to go under .
2 More fundamental — because it looked towards a future international order rather than the waning one — was the critique of NATO and American hegemony that he developed on his return to power and that remained one of the hallmarks of his international policy throughout the 1960s .
3 He 'd caught a glimpse of the two of them reflected in the hall mirror and his heart had lurched because it looked as if he was propping up a corpse .
4 ‘ Everyone wanted to take Sir Edward away , because it looked as if you could n't make it . ’
5 ‘ We came together because it looked as if he was going to try to take my line to the corner .
6 They said in the shop that the men who did it had been pretending to take up paving stones — nobody thought anything because it looked as if they were from the Council . ’
7 Rachel knew , however , there was no point trying to explain that she was merely going with David to see her new friends from Conway House , because it looked as if her mother , together with Nina , Greg and all the others , had jumped to conclusions and were ready to believe that what was a perfectly innocent friendship had developed into something more .
8 He decided to live in Dorset and chose this site ( where an earlier house had been ) , because it looked for all the world as though , when the house was built , it could sail straight out to sea .
9 In Lewis the effect of the decline in the inshore fishing industry was all the more dramatic because it looked for a time as if it might be averted .
10 Miss Bowes said : ‘ There has been an upward trend in rates in the last few weeks because it looked like Labour were going to win .
11 At that point , it could be doing all sorts of weird things , and you 'd think oh , I 've got this wonderful graph and I plotted a lot of points close together , so I know my sketch was right , because it looked like this funny W thing or M or something
12 The sun is just a star , one of many thousands of millions of stars in our own galaxy , which is the milky way , which we see as we look up in the sky on a very dark night , and it was called the milky way by the ancients because it looked like a splash of milk across the sky , but we now know that it 's a flattened system consisting of these thousands of millions of stars .
13 That was the first occasion when I saw my exercising as an irritating use of time , because it got in the way of our friendship .
14 " I felt threatened by Marxism because it was the doctrine of a friend , and because it cut across our friendship " , noted Sartre .
15 I will tell you my secret belief : that for Gustave , in a way he only half-apprehended , I represented life , and that his rejection of me was the more violent because it provoked in him the deepest shame .
16 The group 's concern with rocketry was hardly respectable in those days : its existence was tolerated mainly because it came under the wing of Theodore van Karman , one of the world 's greatest aerodynamicists .
17 Although Mr MacKarness wo n't confirm it , the Fowlers claim the price was just £70,000 because it came with sitting tenants .
18 If you invited him to make one at a dinner-party , you expected him to talk intelligibly ; if he published a volume of poems you expected him to write the sort of thing that the average well-educated man could understand because it came within the orbit of his own experience .
19 The Queen and Prince Philip survived it only because it came upon them in middle age — when any youthful indescretion or misbehaviour had long since been enjoyed and then forgotten in the mists of time .
20 What does my hon. Friend think of the actions of Derbyshire county council , which refused one low-cost tender because it came in the wrong coloured envelope and ended up accepting a higher tender from its own work force at an enormous extra cost to charge payers ?
21 I had always had difficulty with the idea of a long-bearded god sitting on a throne on high , but because it came in the form it did , as an energy , I had no difficulty with it …
22 Last week the society took the incredibly high-handed decision to refuse a cheque for £50,000 because it came from the profits of the famous Dianagate tapes .
23 That is not to say that banks faced no competition ; but because it came from mutual-fund companies , savings banks or manufacturing firms ' finance arms , they were slower to spot it and restricted by regulators in reacting to it .
24 Mia has now flown back to America with the one-year-old dog , which she has named Tip because it came from Co Tipperary .
25 In Hampstead : Building a Borough , 1650–1964 ( 1974 ) Professor F. M. L. Thompson has shown how the old settlement preserved its isolated character well into the nineteenth century because it lay off the main lines of communication out of the capital .
26 Although not strictly speaking within the scope of this book , since it is an entirely artificial substance , enamel needs to be mentioned if only because it served as an alternative to natural stones in enriching jewellery and other symbolic objects .
27 Because it said on the packet you 'll plant them immediately after buying and we do n't know when Aunty Gwen bought them and it might rain tomorrow as well , I think I ought to put them in while it 's fine , now
28 I cried over that old letter , that fragment of academe , because it said in part what I had wanted , then wanted and still want to say to you and only to you , and because it expressed in part some of the physical ache and fear and disappointment I had felt , then felt and still ( in an increased measure ) feel .
29 Possible job , they can reveal it because it said in the on the front page that there 's nothing been decided !
30 The reference to developed socialism had in the end been retained , Gorbachev explained , partly because it figured in the programmes of other ruling parties , but mainly because the term had been misrepresented .
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