Example sentences of "because of [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 SINCE 1970 America 's old folks have become richer and richer , mostly because of a steadily increasing flow of federal dollars .
2 After one trip , Mike spent six weeks on crutches because of a badly infected leg , and after another , Sally Wilson from the Natural History Unit , who helped set up the trip , spent almost six months in hospital with an unidentified infection .
3 Because of a relatively low level of applications to the Open Door Scheme , the Committee decided to begin a number of regional promotions .
4 Holye suggests that traditionally the individual teacher has enjoyed a high degree of autonomy in the essential professional activity of teaching , but that teachers have had relatively little influence over the broader aspects of school life because of a very limited involvement in decision making ( management ) .
5 ‘ We all think that the professions , academia , is such a special , desirable place to be , but some of the best-rounded people I 've ever met in my life have been businessmen , because of a very wide range of experience they have .
6 We in the G M B know about our roots and we always will because of a very , another important word we 're accountable we 're accountable in the real world to real people with real issues and real problems not the hothouse world of some sections of the Parliamentary Labour Party .
7 Because of a very busy diary and work commitments that invitation could not be realised until early this August when I and tackle manufacturer , Richard Gardner , found ourselves boarding a ferry at Dover bound for Calais .
8 And because of a very mild T S S infection , it 's very unlikely that my daughter will ever have another child , so I wholeheartedly support the composite motion , but want to emphasize what we as individuals must do .
9 Rich deme evidence comes from Eleusis , one of the proudest and most important of the deme sites , partly because of its sanctuary to Demeter and Kore where the cults of the great Eleusinian mystery religion were performed , partly because of a too often forgotten feature of the place : its defences .
10 Many small birds have escaped with the loss of only a few feathers because of a smartly delivered peck with a sharp beak .
11 Then because of a hitherto undiscovered " bug " in the computer program , less fuel is loaded than required , with the result that the aircraft runs out of fuel over mid-Atlantic .
12 For fairly obvious reasons , mostly no doubt connected with the spectre of Zhdanov and Socialist Realism ( but also I suspect because of a more subterranean philosophical linkage between Callinicos ' endorsement of Althusser 's ‘ complex totality ’ against Lukács ' ‘ expressive totality ’ and the political voluntarism which it informed in the early twenties ) , Callinicos has to answer : No .
13 Nevertheless , it would seem sensible to say that , given a set of firms in a perfectly competitive market , some of which ( perhaps because of a more concentrated distribution of shares ) face quite tight constraints on their efficiency , these relatively efficient firms are likely to provide some form of policing function over the others .
14 Drawing a line between different types of variable is extremely difficult , largely because of a more general problem of making much sense of the intuitively plausible notion of phonological naturalness ( see Lass 1984 ) .
15 These data are of interest not only because of the support they provide for the cohort model , but also because of a more general point they make about cognition , namely , that we must make a clear distinction between the sequence of processing stages and the accessibility of these stages for consciousness , or for the control of responses .
16 So if you lose the chance of a job because of a mistakenly critical reference , it is worth considering whether there is anything to be gained from taking legal action .
17 Gamsakhurdia was elected President with 86.5 per cent of the vote in May 1991 ; he came under increasing pressure thereafter because of an increasingly authoritarian style of government , and in January 1992 was forced to flee the Georgian capital .
18 Women workers who were covered by national insurance found that they tended to be submitted to strict surveillance by national health insurance visitors because of the unexpectedly large number of sickness claims .
19 In the first half of 1991 the homicide rate rose by 62 per cent , allegedly largely because of the newly opened borders , which meant also that Poland became a target for drug trafficking .
20 Recognition of the need to invest in both types of research has been slow to materialise possibly because other pressures tended to shut it out , but also because of the remarkably esoteric image which University research workers have given themselves .
21 I wish to give notice that , because of the disgracefully inadequate —
22 On the other hand , the lag may be longer because of the rather small amount of index arbitrage undertaken in the UK .
23 There was indeed a trend towards higher eradication rates in the triple therapy group ( 84.2 v 78.9% ) , but this lacked statistical significance because of the rather small sample size .
24 Because of the rather uncertain link between money supply and aggregate demand , Keynesians argue that the government should try to influence aggregate demand directly through fiscal policy .
25 Except , because of the curiously selfless decision by the clubs to vote themselves half the financial liability , that figure is reduced to £3300 , which , divided by 11 , means an average payment per player of £300 .
26 This molecule , because of the partly polar nature of the ester bond , is present at the micellar interface , but preferentially located in the bulk solvent .
27 The latter presentation is not so common , because of the generally unfavourable associations of ‘ aesthetic ’ in our culture , though it is implied whenever students are asked to approach a poem as a work of art , rather than as an historical document or a philosophical argument .
28 A quarter of convicts are over 40 ( Table 2.1 ) , mainly because of the exceptionally long periods that ‘ lifers ’ spend in gaol : the minimum period to be served is fourteen years .
29 ‘ As you know they 're testing in France at Paul Ricard because of the exceptionally hot weather there at the moment … ’
30 This is so because of the strongly marked contrast between the opening and responsive phrases in each passage .
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