Example sentences of "because [pers pn] know [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , Basil 's still the same , because you know puppets do n't age .
2 She kept the card to herself because she knew others would not understand .
3 Laura could indulge these less directly profit-generating activities partly because of their invariable spin-offs but also because she knew others were taking care of the money-making imperative .
4 We recognize it as a unified stretch of language because we know facts about novels , layout , publishers , telephones , being woken up , and so on .
5 Social adjustment ( adaptation ) begins to take hold when children try to restrain their impulses because they know others will disapprove .
6 ‘ They were crying because they knew friends and relatives were still in the area . ’
7 It was the fairest way , the children said , because they knew places where she and Nick would never find them .
8 A doorman at a ‘ rave ’ at Sunderland Polytechnic last year rang Lee Turner 's parents to tell them he was dying , but he refused to call an ambulance because he knew drugs were involved .
9 In repeated versions he explains laboriously that Gandalf forced Bilbo on Thorin out of some Valinorean ‘ foresight ’ ; or because he knew hobbits were stealthy ; or because he thought Bilbo had the right ‘ mix ’ of Took and Baggins ; while as for the word ‘ burglar ’ , it was all a dwarvish misunderstanding .
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