Example sentences of "because [art] [noun sg] i " in BNC.

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1 Not quite sure how to broach the subject , and not wishing to be indiscreet , she murmured awkwardly , ‘ I do n't quite know how to put this , but part of the reason for my visit was to try and trace someone who lived here a long time ago , only I do n't quite like to ask around , because the person I 'm looking for might not like it — might not want everyone to know her business . ’
2 But apparently they know that I 'm really forward which is absolute , actually not very true cos Ed said that I was quite forward and he , I was only forward with him because the person I got off with just before him was bloody forward and it made me a bit forward but I calmed down after that , you know ?
3 I could have pointed out that there was never any chance of me taking her for granted , because the minute I stopped thinking about her she sobbed until I noticed her again .
4 I du n no because the school I think ends early I do n't know earlier than sort of I think sort of like June or something , but I mean I do n't know .
5 I wondered what he wanted , so I did it ; and in the interval of the rehearsal he came and said he was suffering from nervous shock because the moment I started he realized I was doing exactly the contrary of all the things he had taught the orchestra .
6 yes , interesting you should say that , because the definition I had was something quite the reverse .
7 I reflected on it , but declined , principally because of my unwillingness to belong to any party — I have never been a party member — and perhaps even more because the seat I was offered appeared to be an impregnable Tory stronghold .
8 Erm , just a point of information , I think er on the hundred and thirty-one million , including the Lincoln , and I think er they would have been you would have been under serious er distress on that , because the information I have had from the Department of Transport , is that if the Lincoln scheme had gone ahead , it would have effectively blocked everything else for the next five years , and that would n't have done you any good , from where you 're elected , either .
9 No because the figure I quoted did include outstanding planning permissions for conversions .
10 You felt it ought to be because the feeling I had nobody for at least another generation would really have the roots in Harlow , that was looking at my children
11 But it was still very difficult , because every day I was in London I was moving from one business to the other and they could not have been more different in character .
12 I find it quite disheartening because every day I meet people who 've become infected and people who are still taking risks so I find that quite worrying .
13 A. Because every time I walk somewhere I see lots of Indians .
14 The thing was , there must have been some sort of short circuit in the amp , because every time I played the damn 'd thing , I got a shock !
15 I could only lie there staring , burning more pages to hold back the dark , because every time I closed my eyes I saw the same thing : the dark shadow of a manlike creature with shoulders curving up in two great arcs on either side of its head …
16 I tell you summat I 'm getting fed up because every time I do n't feel absolutely great , and I go over there and say will you stand in for me , I do n't feel well , I do n't want to .
17 Cos she says you would n't lend me none when I lived at Arthur 's , I says no because every time I lent one at our Arthur 's he swore black and blue it were his .
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