Example sentences of "one can not [be] " in BNC.

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1 Understanding involves an area more extensive than that of which one can be conscious ; one can not be outside and inside at the same time …
2 But Honderich is too busy allocating guilt to be discriminating in his investigations , with the usual result that one can not be sure if the right people have been convicted .
3 Of course , one can not be adamant about whether they merit the label ‘ murder ’ , because that is a question of drawing the line between murder and manslaughter , which is not susceptible of any precise resolution .
4 This test is ambiguous as to whether or not D must have thought about whether the woman is consenting , but there are those who argue that one can not be said ‘ not to care less ’ about something unless one has considered it .
5 Philosophers could argue against them , playwrights could mock them , but their following remained strong among the many who felt that one can not be too careful not to offend the cosmic powers .
6 With Nick Faldo , another of the type , one can not be so sure .
7 The main reason why it is not completely random is that one can not be sure in every list that the n th name does not have some significance .
8 One can not be certain , in such circumstances , that a court of law would meekly accept a general return to a writ in the face of clear knowledge that the House was , in effect , seeking to usurp the role of Parliament itself .
9 Since one can not be aware of everything , ‘ Be aware ’ will of course be unusable without tests of relevance .
10 The lady Anne is duchess to the prince , she thought , but one can not be too careful .
11 ‘ God and the King ’ , he proclaimed , ‘ are so in a league … as one can not be enemy to the one , but that he must be to the other .
12 As one attaches the paragraphs to the semantic net , one can not be certain from which direction the paragraph will be visited .
13 The simple statistical confirmation that the majority of them were from 1984 onwards — and probably from that particular Friday , though one can not be certain — in the skies above the Pacific Ocean was ( for me and I suspect for most who came to know ) the first and final affirmation that from now on this part of the world was the centre of things .
14 The weaker claim is that although one can not be certain that beneficial results will accrue , there are grounds for the probability that they will .
15 Butler sometimes talks of a passion as directed at one 's ‘ having ’ its object , but it seems more satisfactory to say that particular passions are directed at occurrences , and that the basic one can not be directed ; t the occurrence of pleasure for oneself since this always stems from having something occur one wished to do so .
16 One can not be distanced from or emotionally neutral about issues of self-knowledge .
17 If one can not be the favourite oneself , at all events nobody else shall be the favourite .
18 Both are disqualified because the bones of their skulls are so different from those of the first fossil amphibians that the one can not be derived from the other .
19 The one can not be made a substitute for the other ; indeed , any failure in right conduct inevitably brings about a downfall in right beliefs .
20 One can not be surprised when , quite apart from reservations in the social worker himself about handling sexual matters , the worker has a strong sense that , if he even tries , his particular behind may mark the end of a long chain of kicks !
21 Therefore one can not be an empiricist without being a foundationalist .
22 If this is so , Quine is wrong to say that one can not be an empiricist in one 's theory of meaning unless one accepts his brand of verificationism , centred on MP .
23 Without a detailed analysis , one can not be certain , but it appears as if the Scottish universities , with their significant proportions of general courses , are fairly evenly spread in terms of Figure 3.1 , whereas universities in the rest of the UK seem to emphasize the academic or professional and de-emphasize the general .
24 In its present form the Banbury Lane represents a great narrowing down of what was originally not a single track but a more or less open corridor ( so that one can not be too precise about its prehistoric course ) , bounded on either side by dense forest , in places several miles wide .
25 One can not be sure .
26 One can not be critical in the abstract : one has to be critical of some thing , And the act of criticism takes place in the context of standards .
27 In examining cities one can not be simply scientific or simply sociological …
28 Still , I grant him many points , particularly his maintaining that Wagner is representative of a modern dilettantism that sucks up and swallows everything of any artistic interest ; but precisely from this standpoint , one can not be astonished enough at … a disposition that allies indestructible energy with many-sided artistic gifts …
29 Molla Gurani 's as kazasker ( an enlargement is given on p. 50 of the plates in Unver ) , for example , can not have been added before 845 , when he first came to the Ottoman lands , and was almost certainly added after 855 , when he held the kazaskerlik probably for the first and only time ( cf. below , pp. 169–71 ) , so that one can not be certain of the date when , or the circumstances in which , any of them was added .
30 Any normal girl would have known , of course , but with you one can not be certain .
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