Example sentences of "because [pron] have been " in BNC.

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1 I am to be dominated by the truth because I have been made a Christian by the operation of the Holy Spirit within .
2 I do n't think I am taking this line merely because I have been corrupted by a philosophical training and can not come off the fence .
3 I ask because I have been throwing out a raft of old notebooks and discovered some scrawled lines from years ago about the open air factor .
4 I know this because I have been glancing at a magazine called Rubiks printed in English and published in Budapest .
5 I am worried because I have been : in contact with polio/on a blind in Paris/reading the Readers Digest .
6 ‘ This is much harder to handle but I know what is required because I have been here before . ’
7 ( I know , because I have been round the world ! )
8 I feel just as guilty because I have been here five Sundays and not come to church on any of them .
9 Because I have been born in England , I have been taught to be independent , original and to think for myself .
10 ‘ I know this because I have been here several times when I was younger .
11 A typical example — and there are many of these — was when he patiently sat through a high level Air Ministry conference listening to the Mosquito being castigated for its poor night flying qualities ( because of the glare from the exhausts ) , and Boscombe Down recommended that it should never be flown at night , the chairman , as an afterthought , suggested Bennett contribute his views : " I wish someone hid told me about all these faults ' , he replied , " because I have been flying the Masse on OBOE night trials with excellent results " .
12 Do you want me to have a go at doing that Simon ? because I have been difficult about it , if that helps you .
13 I find that quite incredible , if it 's true erm if it 's true then it 's a very serious allegation which Labour is making against the officers in social services department and I imagine that if er , that if those numbers are proven then er I I shall be looking I shall be looking for scalps because I have been , I would have been , so would the Liberal party and so would the Labour party , have been wrongly informed .
14 ‘ Unemployment is something that personally concerns me because I have been at the edge of unemployment all my life , ’ added the 42-year-old who speaks highly of the quality of the environment on Teesside , a much richer and more vibrant and pleasant place in which to live than he had imagined .
15 ‘ I tried to make the story as individual and as real as I can , and if possible to approach without any preconceptions , which is hard with Swan Lake because I have been associated with the ballet for 14 years .
16 Last night , Ena Gilmour , Raymond Gilmour 's mother , of Hawthorn Avenue , Johnstone , said : ‘ I will allow myself to be slightly optimistic , I do n't put it any stronger than that because I have been let down before and I do n't want to let myself go too far this time . ’
17 Furthermore , people vary in their tolerance from day to day , and it is not safe to assume that because you have been to 15,000 feet or so without oxygen before , you will be able to do it again .
18 However , if the reason for the closure is that your employer has transferred his business to someone else , there may be no dismissal because you have been automatically transferred to work for the new owner ( see below ) .
19 Most of the rules are applied strictly and it is hard to imagine any outcome more frustrating than for your legitimate claim to fail simply because you have been guilty of delay .
20 Building societies will , generally , be sympathetic if you ask to suspend your mortgage payments for a fixed period because you have been made redundant or because you have a crisis .
21 You already know and experience speech subconsciously because you have been doing it successfully for years and years and years .
22 You learn by doing , because you have been talking for a long time .
23 As a book reviewer of some 25 years experience I am not , and never will be , of the school that thinks that because you have been given a free book , you should give a good review .
24 ‘ I said to him ‘ Is n't that because you have been labelled a gangster who fights , and is a total embarrassment .
25 ‘ You have not explored the surrounding countryside , I know , because you have been working so hard .
26 Things like this should n't really surprise people because we have been telling them about what has been going on Down Under for years . ’
27 That is , in addition to the tendency to feel tired because we have been awake a long time , there is some rhythmic change that decreases our fatigue at some times and increases it at others .
28 If our propaganda has failed , it has failed because we have been unable to arouse the British people in such a way as to make them feel that the cause of Republican Spain was their cause in such a measure that they would take every risk , even the risk of war to make the Republican cause in Spain prevail .
29 The manhood of England has been largely alienated from the organised Churches because we have been so absorbed by the interests of the individual soul as to neglect the woes of society , and so preoccupied with the delights of heaven as to overlook some of the most urgent duties of earth .
30 Just because we have been born and brought up to something does n't mean we will always value it .
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