Example sentences of "because [pron] [vb past] me " in BNC.

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1 You see because someone took me in the car .
2 Do n't think I shall be bitter because you left me .
3 Do n't think I shall be bitter because you left me .
4 I 'm here because you forced me to come , and I 'll leave as soon as you find your brother-in-law . ’
5 ‘ It was because you brought me back to life .
6 ‘ It was n't because you believed me to be unavailable , to keep me at bay , by any chance ? ’
7 Because you robbed me of something I 've always loved , she wanted to scream back at him .
8 ‘ When I thanked you just now , by the way , it was because you got me out of the boat before I hit the water this time . ’
9 Because you persuaded me , you with your fine words !
10 Because you told me . ’
11 I think we want to be encouraging young people because you told me that they 're all quite keen to do something for Save The Children Fund now it 's the seventy fifth year .
12 Because , because you told me to turn it over and watch something else .
13 ‘ And I spent an hour greeting my guests , making a speech and ensuring the entertainment was fully organised for the evening , while I was trying to make up my mind whether your refusal to put in an appearance was because you cared for me — or because you hated me . ’
14 ‘ But then , ’ he excused , ‘ I 've had but a short while to suspect — when you were prepared to leave without fulfilling your agreement to your sister whom you love so much — that you might , dare I believe it , be running from me because you loved me and had been badly hurt by my ‘ clinging ’ accusation . ’
15 I told myself it was because you disgusted me , but really I was afraid of what I might do and say .
16 ‘ Well , it 's only because you gave me a leg-up at the beginning , explaining the theory and such . ’
17 Because you gave me back to myself .
18 Because you gave me ten milligrams and t the five 's not very strong .
19 I know , she thought , because she told me .
20 ‘ Well , because she told me , of course .
21 Because she told me you had . ’
22 If she 's here , if she found me , it 's because she followed me !
23 I became friends with Juliet , , because she understood me , + I could talk to her about my opinions quite openly : she is very understanding in that way .
24 He was always jealous because she married me .
25 You would have thought Magnus 's mother would have been nice to me but I bet Father had already telephoned and told her lies about me , because she made me wait in the hall until Nanny came to collect me in a taxicab .
26 It was only semi-erotic because she made me wear a condom .
27 Because she made me laugh .
28 Just because she brought me up .
29 I did not find out how much she sold the garments for because she left me standing outside , but she always looked pleased when she emerged from these visits .
30 That 's how you came about , because she chased me .
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