Example sentences of "one [Wh det] will [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In this situation , which is the one which will generate response ?
2 This may be true but presupposes that the law in question is the one which will govern the contract , whereas the reality is that for every contract governed by that law there will be another contract governed by a foreign law with which the party concerned may be unfamiliar , which is in a foreign language he does not understand , and which , when put to the test , may prove demonstrably inferior not only to his own law but to the proposed uniform law .
3 It is possible to spin with the rudder centralised if the glider is one which will spin fully .
4 Before you buy , ask if you really need a product , and if you do , choose one which will do least harm to the environment .
5 Managing director and major shareholder Peter Kemmis Betty has been appointed president — a non-executive position but one which will enable him to concentrate on editorial areas , chess and archaeology , in which he has a particular interest .
6 The effect of Beveridge 's view of marriage being a relationship which created economic dependency in the wife is therefore one which will remain in practice until well after the end of the century .
7 The canny scribe had just persuaded the RAF to effectively give him the ultimate freebie , one which will remain the envy of flying hacks everywhere for many decades to come .
8 It was a happy , friendly and very satisfying day one which will remain in the memory forever .
9 ‘ I can give you one which will send shivers up your spine — Ion Manescu .
10 The design , innovative features and quality of Safrane make this an executive car of which we are very proud , and one which will open up new areas of the UK car market for Renault . ’
11 this moment is one which will separate some part
12 It is less of a problem if the camcorder microphone is an unidirectional type , that is one which will tend to accept sound which is coming from the camera direction only .
13 According to Russell LJ the clause was not an exemption clause , but a clause under which the actual contractual liability may be defined and not one which will excuse from the actual contractual liability .
14 Where the water is heated by pumped circulation operating in conjunction with a central heating system , the valve may be a three-way one which will divert the water either to the hot water cylinder or to the central heating radiators or , sometimes , to both see Chapter 11 .
15 The question of data quality is one which will attract considerably more attention in the future , once technological developments have been absorbed .
16 It would be easy to say that this volume is just another book ’ on organic synthesis — one which will sit alongside the excellent texts of S. Warren , and the more recent book by E. J. Corey and X. M. Cheng , The logic of chemical synthesis .
17 Yet signs are not wanting that the mental effort of doing so is one which will become more and more difficult as the memory of the distinct courts of Law and Equity dies out ; and perhaps already the unified jurisdiction of the High Court , and the statutes which have codified certain branches of Common Law and Equity , have produced some results which could hardly have been given by any combination of proceedings in the separate courts , or by the development of the law solely by means of cases decided in them .
18 it can represent a choice between a social psychology which seeks to uphold pure and applied distinctions and one which will abolish the distinction itself .
19 Historians are increasingly realizing that if the experience of older people is not sought we are in danger of losing a unique individual insight into the times and events they report , and one which will die with them unless recorded ( Thompson , 1978 ) .
20 You 'll need grout too , plus a tile cutter , preferably heavy-duty type , especially if using quarry tiles ( Vitrex makes one which will cut wall and floor tiles ) ; and it 's worth investing in a tile file or saw if you anticipate a lot of fiddly cutting round pipes and similar obstacles , and a tile gauge if you have any really awkward shapes to tile around .
21 Your mag is the only one which would print such criticism about itself , and your mag is the only one which will respond to the criticism written about it !
22 Inspection of the scatterplot suggested that it would be worth trying to fit a line ; the task is to find one which will come as near as possible to the data points .
23 Make sure it 's a really traumatic one which will haunt you throughout your adult life , like them plays on thursday night T.V.
24 So it 's important that you know about your rainwater disposal system — so that you can either put it in good repair and keep it that way or safely replace an old system with a modern plastic one which will work properly .
25 So , if our tiny survey is to be considered representative ( and I suspect that it is ) , then ‘ Meat Is Murder ’ is generally seen as an honest statement but not one which will cause a drastic change of thinking ( or eating ) patterns .
26 He said If this person who ever he is has decided to join the Tory party then it is a matter for him and a matter of small regret but not one which will cause us to lie awake worrying about .
27 Whether despite this revolution in design the cellular mechanisms required for learning and memory in invertebrates are similar to or radically different from those in vertebrates is an issue which is still unresolved in research terms , and one which will occupy some of the discussion of the following chapter .
28 It was , said Alton Community Centre manager Jan Nicholas , ‘ a truly magical evening ’ — and one which will have raised over £1,500 towards the third and final stage of Triangle — the teenager 's coffee bar .
29 The statement ended : ‘ The decision on whether or not the mining of uranium is commenced in Ireland is one which will have profound and serious implications for the entire country .
30 If code switching is a regular feature of all speech styles in British black English , except perhaps the most formal , then the index of each speaker will actually be based on two distinct , discontinuous stretches of speech ; one which will have a Patois index of 100 or very close , ( i.e. no Patois features , because it is actually not meant to be Patois , but " English " ) and another — the Patois part — which will have a Patois index closer to 0 .
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