Example sentences of "one [modal v] [vb infin] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , it is true , they must have been little more than what Marc Bloch described as ‘ l'endroit où on passe ’ ; but one may presume that efforts were made to drain long-distance roads and keep them clear of obstruction ; and kings and princes in several countries regarded the main roads as their roads .
2 One may presume that the standard of living of both these groups was above the national average , and that this could have given them better resistance to disease than their poorer neighbours .
3 Such a one may feel that Pound 's ‘ writing off ’ of England , his abandonment of her — physically in 1920 , in imagination some years earlier — was abundantly justified , to the extent indeed that it was not so much his justified rejection of her , as her unjustifiable rejection of him .
4 With d'Argenlieu returned to Saigon but no more amenable to close control from Paris than Paris seemed disposed to provide it , with the French forces understandably nervous and anxious at least to clear Hanoi of their opponents , one may feel that whether it was the French or the Vietminh who brought about the final rupture does not much matter .
5 One may feel that while an artist may fudge a picture , the camera can not lie .
6 The researchers concluded that ‘ one may infer that many felt there had been a conflict between studying for interest 's sake and studying for examination success ’ .
7 For if one supposes that all good things become valueless if you remove the pleasure , one may infer that all the value must lie in the pleasure .
8 None of this had any direct relevance to the discovery of drugs , and one may assume that many pharmacologists did not follow these developments .
9 One may think that Tolkien was rightly pushing towards a clarification of his ‘ mythology ’ .
10 One may think that as the ethical equality of human beings comes to be recognized in our society , the masculine nature of their religion will become an ever more pressing question for Christians .
11 At the time , however , in France it was practically unthinkable and one may surmise that while France itself might have recovered from the débâcle of 1940 there was added point to her recovery of Vietnam after the humiliation and tragedy of March 1945 .
12 One may suppose that such was the genesis of C.S. Lewis 's sad comment on his step-children 's response to the death of his wife :
13 This time one may suppose that the sequence is : 3 , 6 , 12 , 24 , … , ∞ .
14 One may speculate whether these new titles were designed to help the reading public , or whether the older poet himself felt the lack of dignity .
15 One may remark that it is common experience to find that conscientious people who have a job to do that is too much for them ( like writing a book ) turn in their uncertainty to doing a succession of easier jobs instead ( like answering their mail , drawing up syllabuses , or rationalising office organisation ) .
16 The company may suffer because , as we have seen , unless such rights have been most carefully drafted , they will not come into operation so long as no action regarding registration is taken by the personal representative and because , if the company had only two members and directors , the death of one may mean that no quorate meetings can be held , and the company may face a petition to wind it up .
17 This factor enables a human-being to resonate with those forces responsible for his existence and explains the feelings one may experience when visiting such sanctuaries .
18 The woman who believes that pregnancy is a physiological process and not a pathological one may decide that neither of her doctors is correct .
19 As one performs ‘ Round and round the garden like a teddy bear ’ or ‘ To market , to market to buy a fat pig ’ for the hundredth time , one may conclude that the period of enjoyment is much longer for children than for adults .
20 If this burden is not discharged one may conclude that there is very little difference indeed between some versions of positivism and Finnis 's account of natural law .
21 One may conclude that the motive of the writer was to add to the growing fascist propaganda which appeared in the 1920s and 1930s .
22 Therefore , one may conclude that by the end of the decade Europe 's currency and political union will be established .
23 One may claim that the confusion here results from the need for yet further distinctions : thus Lyons ( 1977a ) advocates distinctions between text-sentences and system-sentences , sentence-types and sentence-tokens , utterance-types and utterance-tokens , and utterance-acts and utterance-products .
24 One may doubt whether modern farming has any useful purpose nowadays when everybody is on a diet .
25 Again , one may doubt whether this interpretation would be very palatable in Conservative circles .
26 However that avenue was never explored to its end ; and if it had been , one may doubt whether many readers would have grasped the total effect .
27 One may doubt whether this was ever more than a schoolboy game .
28 One may doubt whether the small carbon radicals are still present .
29 One may doubt if her influence on ‘ Missy of Argos ’ would have been altogether good .
30 One may doubt if it would ( 91 ; 92 , pp.174–5 ; 93 ) 2
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