Example sentences of "one [be] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Family-trees ( genealogies ) similar to this one are often given in the Bible attesting a line of descent .
2 Conditions in the Army were changing — had changed — so quickly that unless one were continuously involved there was no hope of keeping up .
3 Members of the same family tend to resemble each other ; if one were warningly coloured , many others would be as well .
4 Three newsletters have been produced in the course of the year , one being specifically produced for ‘ freshers ’ week .
5 For both groups , B and C ( a tone and a clicker ) had different consequences , one being consistently followed by food and one not .
6 Along the way , one is repeatedly reminded of Scotland 's quest for independence in its politics , religion and cultural identity .
7 It is not worth discussing any of these complications because one is rarely called upon to work out lines of current in a conductor .
8 This was prior to the introduction of the Actively Seeking Work welfare legislation whereby one is automatically disqualified from benefit if you leave your job voluntarily .
9 There needs to be a facility whereby one is automatically informed that the entry at which one is looking has a cross-reference to it in another part of the dictionary , and whereby one is immediately given a display of this cross reference ( or all of them , if there are several ) if one wants to check it .
10 Willy-nilly one is thus forced to extend the reductivist argument and adopt the position of what has become known as the " redundancy theory of truth " .
11 When you say slightly larger will it be more visible or , I mean the present one is partially hidden in actual fact .
12 This practice of matching one picture or pattern to another identical one is also given in the game of Lotto and in playing pairing games such as Snap .
13 As one is encouraged to endorse broad humanitarian concerns , one is also expected to respond not so much to specific songs or artists so much as to generic types of music .
14 This one is well researched , but I question whether it adds much to the sum total of our knowledge about Wellington .
15 It takes courage to speak out when one is well known .
16 That strain energy is more than a triviality was demonstrated by the bowmen at Agincourt and , incidentally , one is well advised to keep out of the way of a stretched hawser such as is used for checking a ship .
17 Most of their other discods were about elves and warlocks , but this one is just spaced out . ’
18 The extent to which radio is able to cater for the tastes and interests of an urban , educated audience at the expense of a rural and less well-educated one is easily overlooked .
19 But she tones down her performance as the show progresses and one is eventually won over .
20 Because they choose their words too carefully , jealously control their meanings , and if they 're sussed enough to believe in ambiguities and contradictions you can be sure each one is carefully mounted in position for you , the listener .
21 There are 3 arm spines of which the middle one is distinctly enlarged and may be laterally compressed .
22 Their troubled relationship with Prost notwithstanding , Honda 's successful assault on the bastions of Formula One is admirably chronicled by Christopher Hilton in Conquest of Formula One , although his somewhat hectoring style makes the first few pages something of a battle .
23 The traditional concept of religion as insurance on the next world which might or not pay off in this one is exactly reversed .
24 Nevertheless , museums continue to open , and one is even planned for Leipzig in the East .
25 One is even tempted to propound a theorem to cope with the bewildering thickets of paradox obstructing every path , namely : every attempt to ameliorate nuclear doctrine in one respect produces an equal and opposite effect in some other respect .
26 This being so , one is again forced to ask why effective cooperation is to be sacrificed to the principle of an ineffective , if unanimous , common policy .
27 ( The first dozen pages of one of Simenon 's novels , Maigret 's Pickpocket , just describe , for instance , Maigret riding a bus to work and one is simply gripped . )
28 One is simply moved in one direction or the other in greater or lesser awareness .
29 When one attempts to describe and discuss this elusive concept of community care , one is immediately beset by the range and variety of the situations in which old people find themselves , and of the provision which is made by formal and informal carers in different areas .
30 Entry and exit is easier in an Apache than many other light twins and inside one is immediately struck by an impression of space .
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