Example sentences of "one [modal v] think [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One may think that Tolkien was rightly pushing towards a clarification of his ‘ mythology ’ .
2 One may think that as the ethical equality of human beings comes to be recognized in our society , the masculine nature of their religion will become an ever more pressing question for Christians .
3 One might think that radical behaviourists such as Skinner would advocate the classification of stimuli along purely physical dimensions .
4 One might think that such an ambition — no less than the forging of a cultural revolution — is most unconservative .
5 One might think that they need not .
6 One might think that with the nation stuffed full of church buildings , few of which are stuffed full of people , the last thing needed is to plant new ones .
7 One might think that a politically dominant class would be able to impose its interests on a formation as a whole and take control of the state .
8 ‘ Really , ’ sighed Mr Punch when he had got it all off his chest , ‘ from the outrages which have been late perpetrated , one might think that one was living now in London as it used to be a hundred years ago . ’
9 One might think that clause 2 is insufficient : to believe that p is not so strong as to be certain that p , and to know one must be certain , not just believe .
10 One might think that this unpredictability would n't matter too much if it occurred only at the big bang ; after all , that was ten or twenty billion years ago .
11 One might think that matter could not be compressed that far .
12 Thus one might think that the possibility of spontaneous proton decay could not be tested experimentally .
13 Therefore , although one might think that hours of work would be a matter for internal national control , it will be dealt with by the Community if it can get the subsidiarity principle interpreted in that way .
14 At a moment like this , one might think that the single market should dominate the Community thinking , but that is not so .
15 One might think that , in those circumstances , Ministers would begin to ask themselves a few basic questions , such as , ’ Where have we gone wrong in Scotland ?
16 Lest one might think that such patriotic sentiments came from a court milieu , for the anonymous author was probably a royal chaplain , one should remember that similar sentiments and the attribution of victory to God also occur in the London City Chronicles .
17 There 's nothing about me that erm , excuse me , there 's nothing about my body that is essential to me , nothing about my body that individuates me and that 's why erm I take it one might think that erm I could actually be changed into a different body , so .
18 No one could think that improvement is not necessary to safety , especially in quarrying , construction , diving or works transport .
19 If they are so much our superior in everything else , one would think that their insurance-based systems might be better also .
20 One would think that she was merely asleep . ’
21 Even though the publication sequence got a bit confused in Shetland , one would think that the Dunrossness District Plan should make references similar to those in the Structure Plan regarding incomers and Shetlanders and the possible problems which might arise from their meeting .
22 One would think that an old person would have to be living in an isolated cottage , in the heart of the countryside , to be so out of touch with the world ; but sadly we know from the frequent reports in the newspapers that such tragic loneliness can exist right in the heart of our towns and cities , and that the old have sometimes remained undiscovered for weeks and months after they have died in their own homes .
23 One would think that it must be a daunting task finding worthy nominees every year .
24 Have I remembered to do that ? ) sometimes kindly people try so hard to get their message across that one would think that they were talking to a mentally backward five-year-old !
25 With all these aircraft begging to be looked at , one would think that it would be impossible to attempt to see everything that Oshkosh has to offer , not so !
26 ‘ To listen to some officers in this army one would think that no other war had ever been fought but in Spain !
27 After all , no one would think that the beauty of an object is simply the sum of the beauties of its parts .
28 One would think that Sotheby 's might have learned from their oversight five months earlier , but they did n't have a clue again .
29 Finally , one would think that in the interest of scholarship and fair-mindedness Bernard would have made contact with me about his allegation , if , indeed , his motivation was untainted .
30 Discerning Greeks like Thucydides ( i. 10 ) knew that the relative splendour of the physical remains of Sparta and Athens was no index of their real strengths : suppose , he says , that the city of Sparta were to become deserted , future generations would find it hard to believe that the place , an old-fashioned , higgledy-piggledy collection of villages , was really as powerful as it was represented to be ; whereas if the same were to happen to Athens , one would think that she was twice as powerful as she really was .
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