Example sentences of "one [adj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As the plane circled in wide sweeps , each one lower than the other , the Pack did pray — silently , sincerely — Brown Owl with them .
2 They are both there in Middlesbrough at present , the one charming and the other charmless .
3 He finished this one quicker than the other two and when that was done he immediately picked up the knife and cut the next slice .
4 It seems unlikely that much was imported , but a walk on the shores of the west coast of the island will discover many pebbles of flint amongst the others , and they vary in size from very small ones , too small to use , to the occasional large one bigger than the largest grapefruit .
5 No thi this size , I got one bigger than the other one ,
6 It 's just one bigger than the other .
7 ‘ Different sizes , one heavier than the other , and yet they are going round exactly the same path in the same time .
8 The Bristol & West have now gone one better than the standard endowment mortgage .
9 Yet music-wise , the chemistry between the four piece produces a tense , beautiful sound which goes one better than the passive stance of last year .
10 ‘ We have a quality street team to welcome the Aussies , ’ said Probyn , ‘ and I intend to go one better than the last time I faced them — the World Cup final 12 months ago . ’
11 As well as the obvious twoplayer option , there 's the one-player MicroProse Challenge where you play a series of international teams , each one better than the last .
12 I like this one better than the others .
13 A nationalist government commanding the support of 37 of the 75 deputies in the Basque parliament ( i.e. one less than an absolute majority ) was finally formed on Jan. 22 .
14 The left hand column is 0 and the right hand column is one less than the width of the display .
15 At a very early stage the apostle Paul was confronted by opposed parties , the one contending that the freedom of the Spirit so emancipated them from social convention that they could act as they pleased , especially in sexual indulgence , the other with more plausibility holding that the life of the Spirit required renunciation of marriage .
16 This reflects the fact that several kinds of considerations may lead to different and incompatible policies all of which are commonly regarded as policies of neutrality , because all of them demonstrate an even-handed treatment of the parties either by not helping one more than the other , or by not helping one more than the other to take special measures to improve his position in the conflict , and so on .
17 This reflects the fact that several kinds of considerations may lead to different and incompatible policies all of which are commonly regarded as policies of neutrality , because all of them demonstrate an even-handed treatment of the parties either by not helping one more than the other , or by not helping one more than the other to take special measures to improve his position in the conflict , and so on .
18 A polyurethane coating then seals the pores , usually making the surfaces slick and shiny , one more than the other .
19 Even when a set of stunt lines have been very carefully matched to each , it is inevitable that line tension will stretch one more than the other .
20 Clacton won at Coggeshall by five wickets , but the champions then tumbled to a nine wicket reverse at home to Braintree the following day — their fourth loss of the season and one more than the whole of last summer !
21 The order of the B-tree is said to be one more than the maximum number of keys per index block .
22 The high frequency with which oesophageal mucosal disease occurs in asthmatics is consistent with both the vagal reflex theory and the microaspiration theory , and does not support one more than the other .
23 By my first weekend at the Centre I was that very dangerous creature , one worse than a missionary , a convert .
24 It was one wild party after another , each one worse than the last .
25 The way twisted between these ramparts , each one higher than the last , and then emerged on an open space several acres in extent .
26 Just by glancing at the first chapter of the book you feel a sort of ‘ zing ’ that brings them together , so much so that one could never rate one higher than the other .
27 The driver may be forthcoming that his boss said words to the effect that he knew there was no insurance but the vehicle was the only one available and the journey had to be undertaken .
28 It engulfed her in successive waves , each one stronger than the last , and then it was one long pain , tearing at her guts .
29 Paul ( 3.11 ) selected two pieces of wood , one longer than the other .
30 The winners will get a contract with EMI 's Parlophone — the label that launched The Beatles — - to produce one single and a video .
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