Example sentences of "one [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or make one using a headboard kit from Cover Up and cover it with fabric .
2 But as he cut into one using a power saw , an alarm sounded , and he realised there 'd been a leak of radioactive tritium gas .
3 Meanwhile , a wide variety of courts administered a wide variety of laws all over western Europe ; and if one asked a man in any part of Europe to whose law he was subject , he might well have answered ‘ to my law ’ — for law was a personal thing , which a man might carry about with him ; it bound him to the courts to which his ancestors had been subject , to the laws of those courts , and gave him the privileges which those courts provided .
4 The phrase Stop me and Buy one became a household phrase .
5 Of the eleven who won the Cup for Manchester United in 1948 , most of whom were internationals and all in the first rank of senior professionals , five went into football coaching and management , three ran newsagents ' shops ( customers presumably enjoyed discussing the sports headlines with men who had once made them ) , two worked in factories , and one became a night-telephonist .
6 One joined the strike support committee ; several started going to branch meetings ; one became a shop steward and served in that capacity for five years .
7 No one became a nun did n't she ?
8 One became a pitbull Poodle as I approached with a coat , and Bizzie ( pictured here ) just froze .
9 But how does one make a living at it ?
10 Not one to miss a plug , I asked him what he thought of our latest issue .
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12 And the little'un could n't care less but the middle one thinks a lot of her dad .
13 When the women went out into the fields to help their menfolk with the haymaking , it was noted , although no one passed a comment , that Bob sought her out and sat with her at 'lowance time .
14 Certainly there is no trick to it , for the oftener one plays a thing through , the better it goes , and even the poorest conductors profit from this .
15 The older man plays an accordion , and the younger one plays a tin whistle in the musical interlude .
16 One placed a knife against the huge scar left by his stomach operation in Canada .
17 And one got a stamp and a seal on that .
18 One produces a flower that closely resembles the form of a female wasp complete with eyes , antennae and wings and even gives off the odour of a female wasp in mating condition .
19 One produces a child who dies four days later due to negligent forceps delivery .
20 The difficulty we all share is how can one construct a planning framework which allows for strategically significant inward investment to be accommodated without declaring an open season of speculative proposals from developers and uncertainty at the local level up and down the county .
21 This is the meaning of de Gaulle 's exasperated remark , ‘ How can one govern a country which makes 400 different types of cheese ? ’
22 I said he and they wo n't , it 's not their fault because I could n't , I ca n't go up there was obviously singing a song , and another one singing a poem , so you wo n't know which one to believe .
23 ( Surprised , though ; one expected a Swede to be neurotic — but a Scot ! )
24 Two or three Zuwaya had reputations as excellent poets and would record their poems if pressed : indeed , one made a charge for doing so , a practice not approved by all .
25 Out of all the many hundreds of 16th- and 17th-century wills that I have studied , his is the only one to include a reference to its writer 's age : its intimation that on 15 November 1622 he was in his 80th year allows 1992 or 1993 to be marked as the 450th anniversary of his birth .
26 This one concerned a motor yacht making a run with spirits from the Channel Isles .
27 A cordless one offers a solution .
28 As they made their escape one produced a handgun and warned the student not to follow them .
29 One produced a gun before they got into a yellow Ford Escort and drove off .
30 ‘ But never too often , ’ she said airily , wondering how one countered a remark of that kind .
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