Example sentences of "like [adj] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well the point is , for a thing like that if somebody else knows somebody
2 Well yeah cos when you think like that if they do pack up he 's got no no nothing .
3 Erm I do n't have any problem with er with giving people financial incentive , I do have a problem with the concept of er giving people a finesty or a commission or something like that if we 're successful in obtaining in obtaining new work , that is not an fashion view , that is not how a professional office of a professional organisation works .
4 It 'd be really awkward having a name like that if it had a short neck . ’
5 Nobody , but nobody , would be daft enough to stick to a story like that if it was n't . ’
6 Well I think I would wait Stefan until the oily film had gone off the top of the water for tender plants but then I am one of these people that would always tender plants with tap water anyway because you never know what 's in do you in rain water , anything can congregate in a pot , it can be infected with all sorts of things and I would just use this water on the garden in the first twelve months or so or use it on shrubs and things like that if it was required and then go on to er things like perennials but then you could use it on almost anything but with the proviso that you may have contamination in that water if it 's from Water Board .
7 The boy told him that he had got a place in a hostel , but that he would be lucky to get into a place like that if it was his first night .
8 because if you 're expecting it to perform like , I mean it 's not gon na perform like that if it 's the sixteen hundred in a heavier body car is it ?
9 Why call me a name like that if you had n't wanted to call me Robin really ?
10 Once she saw , sitting on the pavement before a café , drinking pale green drinks , and embracing , leaning over from their plastic chairs towards each other and embracing , the most beautiful couple ; the man with a face angular and ravaged and tragic , the girl dark and thin , with pale lips in a dark tan face : and she was so moved that she said , aloud to Rosie who was walking with her , " Look , Oh God , look at those lovely people " : and Rosie looked and stared and laughed and said , " Good Lord , what odd ideas you have , I would n't look like that if you gave me a hundred pounds . "
11 Going into debt like that if you could but but you might use it to top up
12 ‘ You would n't speak like that if you knew how kindly I 've nursed you these last few days , ’ said Nancy .
13 Well we can start off with the top one hundred companies and allocate them like that if you want , if it makes things easier rather
14 It was always difficult — sometimes impossible — to get an appointment with the head of the agency 's Milan office , or , at least , it was like that if you were one of the agency 's models .
15 Mind I know there 's some that when you can pick up if you 're , you know you could pick up something like that if you were n't careful and just pick it up from the inside
16 And you can have it like that if you want .
17 Obviously if you pack your furniture in like that if you pack your furniture in in that way what you 'd end up with when the van stopped all the f all the furniture would move down to one end and be squashed .
18 you know , I mean if if you were self-employed like that if you do n't keep up the standard and
19 And then on this plate there 's a , there 's an actual bullet no a and it , it , it looks like a bullet , I do n't kno I do n't know what it is and it 's like that if you hit something
20 ‘ I suppose I could have got action like that if I 'd been a count , ’ she mused .
21 I mean she wo she says pardon me or excuse me , but it 's so matter of fact that I 'd be I could never burp like that if I tried , you know .
22 talk like that if I want to .
23 But he does n't , and I 'm less and less convinced I 'd react like that if he did .
24 ‘ Rod Stewart could have a voice like that if he smoked more , ’ I said for the sake of something to say .
25 ‘ But how is Len going to afford anything like that if he do n't get no compensation ? ’
26 This is why a very fine-grained analysis is needed , and why we will not get very far in synthesizing our findings in relation to large databases like this if we do not use quantification : as these differences are not categorical , we usually will not be able to demonstrate them convincingly unless we quantify .
27 So you could try it like this if we had twenty four we could see what happens if you make them into twos ?
28 How could he afford a place like this if he was playing dives like the Moebius Strip ?
29 You should , of course , learn to modify your responses , but realism demands you do something practical like this if you are a physically demonstrative person .
30 ‘ You do n't leave your bedroom like this if you 're going away .
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