Example sentences of "should not be seen " in BNC.

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1 This should not be seen as a deterrent .
2 This career framework should not be seen as being wholly rigid or fixed .
3 On this basis he maintains that these adults should not be seen ‘ as agents of social control repressing the young — as reductionist social history might suggest — but as agents of socialization preparing them for their future roles as citizens in a society to which most adolescents gave unthinking and willing allegiance ’ .
4 However , perhaps this increase should not be seen as the emergence of local politics , but should more properly be viewed as their re-emergence .
5 These approaches should not be seen as peripheral to the school curriculum but as an integral part of it .
6 Bertram argues that game theory and kin selection should not be seen as alternative explanations ( Nature , vol 302 , p 356 ) .
7 But this should not be seen as a criticism ; the role and scope of audit is somewhat narrowly defined in law , and any change is almost bound to have legal ramifications .
8 ‘ The protector desires that , prior to his coronation , the king should not be seen too frequently in public . ’
9 However , most drama activity should not be seen as leading to a polished end product ; even where this is the result , the most significant educational value of the activity will often have been found in the process that led to that end product .
10 Instead , this increasingly popular element of dominant ideology should not be seen as an expression of social concern for the well-being of older people , but examined for its wider social purpose .
11 In both cases the limitations of vocabulary should not be seen necessarily to imply any lack of ability for abstract thought : these animals are using an alien tool to communicate with a species ( us ) whose intellectual make-up is quite alien to them , so it is hardly surprising that there are comparatively few areas of common ground that can be described using human words .
12 But these two functions should not be seen as entirely discrete .
13 Rights , in other words , should not be seen as ends in themselves .
14 This conclusion should not be seen to reflect callous indifference to individuals who have suffered miserably or fatally at the hands of persons committing ‘ conventional ’ crimes ; their agony is real and should never be ignored .
15 This should not be seen as an attack on a balding old Pole but on the institution he leads — ie the hierarchy of the Catholic Church , whose attitudes towards gays , women and other oppressed groups belong in the dustbin of history as do those of most religious hierarchies .
16 The short-sighted , narrow-minded Education Reform Act should not be seen as ringing the death-knell of teacher reflection and autonomy , but rather as signalling its increasing urgency .
17 ‘ Finally , we would urge that this decision should not be seen as immutable .
18 This can also be shown to be true in BSL , indicating that surface features of languages may be used in different ways to express conceptual material but that these differences should not be seen as deficits .
19 An inspection of the table reveals overlaps between the three trends , and clearly they should not be seen as mutually exclusive .
20 County freeholders , often indiscriminately styled ‘ barons ’ , as indeed some of them were , whose estates had been erected into free baronies by a crown charter , were gentlemen landowners of the shire , the direct vassals of the crown , and most of them were fully conscious of holding a social position which demanded that they should not be seen to be in any man 's pocket .
21 Also , the associations that will be discussed , and the interpretations of them in postclassical terms that will be offered , should not be seen as suggesting the operation of ‘ causes ’ or ‘ determinants ’ , even where such language has been used by those involved in establishing the associations .
22 These phases of group problem-solving should not be seen as a model to follow but as an analysis of what tends to happen .
23 On the other hand , remedial discretion should not be seen as a substitute for defining the grounds of judicial review more carefully and narrowly .
24 She argues that autonomy should not be seen as a psychological capacity , but as a social one , depending on public acknowledgement , and that this acknowledgement arises from the recognition of responsibility rather than of rationality .
25 All this suggests that the institutions of more stable family patterns should not be seen as evidence of the success of an effort at ‘ social control ’ .
26 This lexicon should not be seen a static repository of data .
27 This capacity is no more than a device to enable the organisation to act , and should not be seen as either creating or weighing against an agency relationship .
28 Such changes in the power of the monarch have arisen , not through statute , but as a result of the convention that the monarch should not become politically involved and should not be seen to favour any one political party .
29 Unanimity was less marked in the scramble for office after Asquith 's departure ; " the three Cs " , Curzon , Chamberlain and Cecil , managed to keep official party interests to the fore by ensuring that Curzon rather than Carson should join the war cabinet — disloyalty might be useful but it should not be seen to pay .
30 It means that social science should not be seen as developing a stock of knowledge about an object which is external to us , but should develop a critical self-awareness in people as subjects and indeed assist in their emancipation .
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