Example sentences of "should not [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Edward , tired of the rules , encouraged by something in her voice , replied : ‘ If I were a gentleman , I should not be telephoning .
2 Findings of fact should not be binding on the court at the final hearing and should not be regarded as prejudicial to any of the parties to the proceedings ( Guidance , vol 1 , para 3.37 ) .
3 Coun Jim Knowles said : ‘ We all knew that this proposal would not go through , and it is now clear that we should not be pursuing a policy of closing schools . ’
4 You should not be eating any of the grain products from last week , whether they suited you or not .
5 Put in the language of this chapter , we should not be seeking the Holy Grail in the curriculum or anywhere else , but attempting to create relationships between management and professionality within structures which are good at bringing about change without exhausting or demeaning teachers in the process .
6 It would be naive for anyone to suggest that politicians in should not be seeking to gain the maximum advantage from the European Community .
7 Since it is the world leader at fashioning new-fangled superconductors made from thallium and bismuth ( which work at higher and more convenient temperatures ) , Sumitomo Electric sees no reason why it should not be supplying coils for sea-going SEMP vessels before the decade is out .
8 We should not be converging to the lowest common denominator in Europe .
9 I would say that if you 're sixty years old and looking for meaning in life you should not be listening to this kind of music .
10 This may be true , but he should not be clouding the issue with irrelevant gibes at the ‘ competition . ’
11 then certainly children should not be receiving communion .
12 A speaker from the floor said Thompson should not be using the term ‘ NVQ ’ ( National Vocational Qualification ) but in ‘ VQ ’ in case of offending the Scots at the conference , who of course have ‘ SVQs ’ .
13 In other words they are being totally unfair in that process and as a result of this more people are likely to suffer as a result of fire Council and savings which are clearly er is proposed er that is Conservative review that we should not be using new money or money within the environment budget which is better stretched for all the other services , to find that other fire fighters as much as we agree they are needed when clearly there is another pot of money which was available for this service and which the other two groups have decided they will take
14 There is no reason at all why an organization should not be serving a range of markets with a range of products as long as this is deliberate and not accidental .
15 We should not be trying to create an image that school is little more than some form of elaborate and expensive ‘ Trivial pursuit ’ ( Sullivan 1988 ) .
16 Enough has been revealed about the antics of the Monarchy in the past few weeks to suggest that people in palaces should not be trying to tell the rest of us how to behave .
17 What is important is that they should not be trying to enter publishing on an uncommercial basis , especially when there are such clear and obvious shortcomings in their performance in almost all the areas that are quite clearly their responsibility , and on which the future of British tennis depends .
18 It is currently 35 degrees Fahrenheit out and the wind is blowing up the canyon at 87 mph hour which gives us a wind chill factor of — just a moment while I look at the chart — says ‘ Should not be skiing ’ which is good because we are n't .
19 Obviously , if you have a heavy cold , a headache , are suffering from lack of sleep or are jet lagged , you should not be flying .
20 The Church should not be helping him up , but helping him over : false optimism does not need a helping hand ; it needs firstly the truth , and secondly love to salve the lost illusions and move on to a fuller humanity ( Walker 1986 : 214 ) .
21 We should not be helping our enemies ( in international terms , of course ! ) , but that 's what we are doing by allowing the Exiles to compete in our leagues .
22 People are are seeing animals as objects of entertainment , objects of amusement , we should not be allowing circuses to present animals in this way to our society and particularly to children .
23 I quote that not to be complacent and not to say that , in this competitive world , we should not be striving , as the Bills outlined in the Gracious Speech help us to strive , for higher standards .
24 ‘ Players should not be thinking they might be beaten .
25 With the exception of Michael Colborne , everyone within the palace was telling Charles that he should not be getting involved .
26 It discussed whether a requirement should be imposed that the couple should not be living under the same roof at the time of the rape .
27 Peter Jackson , Conservative group leader , said Middlesbrough poll tax payers should not be baling out the church .
28 Clinton issued a statement that he was ‘ opposed to the creation of an independent Palestinian state ’ and added that ‘ the US President should not be taking positions on subjects such as the settlements ’ .
29 They should not be taking decisions about how money should be spent .
30 I shall play no further part in this debate which should not be taking place .
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