Example sentences of "should [adv] be use " in BNC.

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1 However , interviews should rarely be used as a sole basis for evaluation decisions of any great significance .
2 This does not mean , of course , that his voice should necessarily be used in the actual recording of the material .
3 This type of stretching can clearly be dangerous if done before exercise when the muscles are cold , and so it should only be used at the end of a training session .
4 Illuminated bell pushes should only be used with transformers as they get through batteries extremely quickly .
5 When fitting 8 spokes all the load is on the studs as it is with RR wheels and should only be used with the larger studs .
6 Soya based formulas should only be used with medical advice when a baby is known to be allergic to cow 's milk formula , as soya protein is just as allergenic as cow 's milk .
7 They should only be used as a starting point for normal contrast subjects .
8 Products thus described should only be used if specifically formulated for food industry use .
9 The point about any particular tactic is that it should only be used to achieve a definite and known result .
10 A tranquillizer may help to reduce anxiety so that the person is better able to start tackling his problems , but the drug should only be used for a short time ( up to 2 weeks ) , and should be withdrawn once improvement in coping ability has begun to develop .
11 Cleaning should start from the inside of the eye , and each ball should only be used once , not on both eyes .
12 Fibre-rich diets such as the F-Plan Diet are rated as acceptable , while very low-calorie diets , such as the Cambridge diet , should only be used under medical supervision .
13 A linked presentation should only be used where :
14 They should only be used on paths , etc , or to clear a derelict patch of ground that you want to clear a derelict patch of ground that you want to clear but not replant for some time .
15 Good choices for bathroom lighting are enclosed ceiling-mounted lights or swivelling recessed eyeball spotlights ; pendant lighting should only be used if the lampholder is fitted with a long protective skirt .
16 More active punishment , detailed in Part 2 , should only be used with PB if a reward system is being used with the CB .
17 Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort ; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient .
18 These guides should only be used in conjunction with the relevant OS map .
19 The guidelines say electronic tagging should only be used with the consent of residents or a proxy .
20 Economics should only be used to indicate potential costs and not , of itself , to determine policy choices ; for more often than not economic arguments neglect to take into account the totality of the costs involved .
21 However , the complications involved in setting up micro-linked experiments are such that they should only be used when the educational profit is clear .
22 I quote further it should only be used to signify the unity of the church and it should provide a sharing in the means of grace .
23 It is believed that a significant number of these are repeat prescriptions , although it is now clear that these powerful drugs should only be used short term .
24 ‘ In our judgment , bearing in mind Viscount Dilhorne 's warning in Director of Public Prosecutions v. Humphrys [ 1977 ] A.C. 1 , 26 , that this power to stop a prosecution should only be used ‘ in most exceptional circumstances , ’ … the effect of these cases can be summarised in this way .
25 Today the herb tea should only be used as an external eye wash .
26 He evidently resented the fact that the name ‘ diesel ’ had come to be applied to virtually every type of oil engine , hot-bulb ( ignition ) as well as compression-ignition , and in 1923 he asked the Institution to declare that henceforth the word ‘ diesel ’ should only be used to describe oil engines operating on the compression-ignition principle , hot-bulb engines to be known as ‘ akroyds ’ .
27 Black or dark-coloured linings help to reduce the light penetration into a room but should only be used with an appropriately coloured outer fabric in order not to spoil the appearance of the curtains .
28 The double bassoon should only be used , as a general rule , in fully scored passages .
29 They are very easily obscured , and should only be used in conjunction with the pp of other instruments , and even then should be marked mf at least , if they are to ‘ tell ’ .
30 The trombones should only be used for such bass parts as suit them well .
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