Example sentences of "should [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 And finally , they should explain at the very beginning of their conversation why they are phoning you .
2 Publication should remain at the editor 's discretion .
3 My view ( the view of a confirmed industrial privatizer ) was that the National Health Service should remain at the centre of our health-care system and that politically we would reap the whirlwind if we could be portrayed as moving away from it .
4 She challenged Vi with her eyes , demanding she should stay at the table .
5 Both lines , on extrapolation to the axis , should intersect at the same point .
6 I 'll have a word with her when she 's awake , she 's still on a third dream I should think at the moment but she 's er , certainly good talking , I could , I could try and get her without her knowing about it and see what happens , just dinner time I 'll take it down and try it , oh you 're gon na take it round Steve 's ai n't you ?
7 When , on his final journey to the police station , Raskolnikov kneels down in the middle of the Haymarket and kisses ‘ the earth , the filthy earth ’ ( zemlya ) as Sonya has bidden , it is entirely calculated by Dostoevsky that a tipsy artisan should laugh at the strange young man who ‘ is bowing down to the whole world and is kissing the capital city of St Petersburg and its soil ’ ( grunt , the German Grund ) .
8 At Wentworth Woodhouse we advised on what we thought the West Riding should buy at the sale to keep in the house .
9 However , parties should consider at the outset the payment of their advisers ' fees in the event that the transaction aborts .
10 It was no use putting it off and she was sure that Ana should know at the same time .
11 If we look back to the middle years of the nineteenth century and to the debates about the extension of the franchise to the working class then hopes were expressed as to how voters should behave at the same time as there was anxiety and fear as to how they would actually behave .
12 The rest of the sack matched up to the quality of manufacture and finish of the back system — as it should do at the price .
13 This should ensure at the very least that video taping is efficiently done using equipment which produces a clear picture and clear sound ; a requirement stressed by Douglas Brown J in the Rochdale case cited above .
14 Cooke was due to slip below Prean on the next list , which should appear at the start of the New Year , but unless there is a rapprochement between the player and the ETTA , whose chairman is Prean 's father John , the rankings will have lost much of their meaning .
15 It is one of the requirements of any British Prime Minister that every Tuesday and Thursday between 3.15 and 3.30 p.m. he or she should appear at the dispatch box and answer questions from MPs on any subject .
16 Also the exact date of signing the report should appear at the end , under the signatures of those who accept responsibility for the report 's findings .
17 If counsel settled the pleading for further and better particulars , his name should appear at the end .
18 There is no compelling reason why a Bill should lapse at the end of a parliamentary session .
19 The new Civil Code tried to adjust this anomaly by laying down that the right of ownership should lapse at the same time that the right of revendication lapses .
20 ‘ To do so they should look at the yield of the shares and the strength of the company 's management , ’ he said .
21 To see what role this typically empiricist claim has in Hobbes 's thought , we should look at the details of his account of philosophical knowledge , knowledge acquired by reason or ‘ true ratiocination ’ .
22 INVESTORS still willing to give Fisons the benefit of the doubt should look at the pharmaceuticals group 's annual report for 1991 , in which the most striking themes are elephants and flowers .
23 Politicians who pretend there is n't any recession should look at the fashion pages — hemlines are falling faster than the Dow Jones index .
24 If you are especially concerned about cutting fat intake but do n't need to lose weight , you should look at the figures for fat and aim to eat no more than 93g a day ( for a man ) and 70g a day ( for a woman ) .
25 Dad was called , a discussion ensued whether the doctor should look at the bump , the size of a pigeon 's egg , that had appeared .
26 Partnerships should look at the case for an education service , in terms of the opportunities it presents for sensible planning , provision for population migration and demographic change , best use of scarce and expensive resources , effective curriculum and professional development , smooth transition between the ages and stages of education , and quality education for all those with special educational needs .
27 To discover what happened you should look at the book yourself , but , for the moment , consider the ethics of what Festinger and his colleagues did .
28 ‘ Well , I reckon we should look at the prices , ’ Carrie persisted .
29 It was felt that we should look at the practicalities of splitting of the membership into an ‘ active ’ and ‘ passive ’ list ; the idea of introducing a membership fee of some kind was rejected .
30 We should look at the length or the term of the new franchise which should perhaps be limited to three or five years .
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