Example sentences of "may be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One way of doing this is to point out the less organized character of a movement , in which there may be no regular or easily identifiable membership ( no ‘ party card ’ or dues ) , and little in the way of a central office or staff .
2 Another problem is that of trying to assess performance when there may be no tangible product to measure .
3 Furthermore , in some cases there may be no separate accounts for the Business , and the accounting records may be the only way of assessing its financial and trading position .
4 At the same time , it builds a prison-house of rhetoric from which there may be no practical possibility of escape : as later with the writings of Baudrillard , their critique , in its totalizing embrace , always seems to have a neutralizing answer to suggestions of difference .
5 There may be no alternative institutional support .
6 There may be no concerted activity between these people and the offeror at all , yet their dealings may nevertheless attract the interest of the Panel .
7 If this is so , there are important practical implications , since while there may be no legal pressures , there would appear to be market pressures on managers to focus on share price .
8 It may be no better there , but it 'll be different . ’
9 In fact those with a ‘ green image ’ may be no better than the non-green products beside them .
10 Sometimes this can he predicted or measured , but on other occasions there may be no prior information for the designer to work on .
11 Does the Department of Trade and Industry accept that , while there may be no short-term commercial interest in giving export credit cover , there is a case for doing so in the national and long-term commercial interest ?
12 When it happens at this stage many mothers receive little sympathy because there may be no visible signs of loss .
13 There may be no answer , in the sense that there may be no available cure which will work . ’
14 Microphones may be no real answer , but with the exception of Louis Hagen-William 's Porgy and Daniel Washington 's Crown none of the voices had adequate carrying power without them .
15 It is assumed here that juries and others do attach considerable importance to the label when it is a question of homicide , and therefore that the excessive use of force in self-defence is a matter which is properly reflected by a separate qualified defence , rather than being left to sentencing ( which means executive discretion , if the mandatory penalty for murder remains ) or forced artificially into the doctrine of provocation ( when there may be no real evidence of loss of self-control ) .
16 Overall , there may be no real improvement in welfare .
17 It will perhaps be said that , although there may be no inherent difficulty in establishing criteria of relevance to choices of means , the vagueness of ‘ Be aware ’ for choices of ends reduces it to meaninglessness as our proposed ‘ first principle ’ .
18 The draft described Uzbekistan as a secular , democratic , presidential republic , in which " there may be no official state ideology or religion " .
19 For routine low-level tasks there may be no great distinction between a task description and skill description but for high-level tasks there will be a considerable difference .
20 However much the supply of labor [ he writes ] may gain in numbers or in quality from improved health and reduced death rates , there may be no corresponding gain in output .
21 There may be no moral turpitude or manipulation as such .
22 Second , there may be no one truth as to what is probable and to what extent .
23 Thus , while there may be no one theory of socialism to which adherents of the functionalist style subscribe , the general thrust was in favour of a democratic evolutionary progress towards a socialist ideal .
24 Now a ‘ searching for something ’ or ‘ exploring ’ theme crops up a great deal in drama and there are many teachers who do not recognise that what looks like a tense , exciting , well-focused structure may be no such thing .
25 The extension of the YTS into a two year scheme and making it compulsory for those not in education through removing entitlements to other benefits , means that in future there may be no such thing as a ‘ young worker ’ or a ‘ young unemployed ’ under the age of eighteen .
26 Yet in industrial goods markets there may be no such thing as an average consumer ; each buyer 's demand pattern and requirement may be different .
27 What may look highly redistributive in a ‘ still ’ may be no such thing across a series of time periods .
28 Vulcanian eruptions sometimes form the first phases of a longer eruption , when the volcano is ‘ clearing its throat ’ for the real business , and as such , there may be no new magmatic material involved , and all the material that is showered up as ash to form the ‘ cauliflower cloud ’ may be merely old , cold , solid lava which was previously blocking up the throat ; if this is the case , the eruptions are sometimes called ultra-vulcanian .
29 By the time that you have battled against the wind to get there , you may find that it has some hazard that you could not see from a distance , and then there may be no other good field within reach .
30 On the one hand for many lone mothers benefits provide a relatively stable and secure source of income at a time when there may be no other alternative .
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